Record 3: Clear and Loud, I Pray

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Matthew 2:1-23 (please read first this text in you bible, you will appreciate it later)

I wish God's instructions today would be this clear. I wanna hear God's reason and purpose why he let situations that are good and bad in our life like how he guided Joseph. That sometimes it is not what we want or desires. Why it hurts and why it brings so much joy? Why there are things that for keeps and things that we need to let go?

I want to hear God when my dogs passed away. I want to hear God talking to me when I was bullied in the past and in just few months ago. I want to hear God when my friend choose to stopped our communication and I cannot reach her anymore. I want to hear God why I am here today, swayed with the flow and I cannot even stand for myself. I want to hear God why I have to give up my choices and just say 'yes'. Why I always lost of control of myself but he is still good to me and still use me. Why he still blessed me beyond my weakness and hardheadedness.

I wish to hear God talking to me every time and every moment in my life so that I know which is his will. Which is better and what to do. I want it to be like that.

But no, today is different. We hear God's instructions through the instruments he will use. It is really challenging, it will test our discernment. It will also test our faith, because I believe that God want us to depend on him. Before, even though God's instructions was clear and loud but his people the Israelites wouldn't listen. And maybe it is like today but we wouldn't listen also to his voice and choose our own way. That's why we don't know what the Lord want us to do and we don't know what his will in our lives.

We may think it is impossible and it is hard to listen to God because we don't know if which voice is his. That's why he want us to listen to him carefully and put our trust on him and he will direct us to his way.

That in all that we've been through, the hardships and the trials we will know that we are blessed. We are loved. And we will praise God for his greatness.

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