Record 20: All About My Pregnancy

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Hi there!

I'm back for how many months I skip writing. I really think that the baby doesn't like writing or reading at all because I got lazy reading and writing when I got pregnant. Though our baby is still inside my belly, I think he doesn't mind it anymore. So, it's time for me to write what I wanted to write for so long. Well in fact it's not that much, I just want to tell stories about my pregnancy and everything happened in my life the time I skip writing.

Yes, you're right that we already know the gender of our baby and it's a baby boy. The name? Maybe we'll talk about it sometime.

But for now I want to share about the first time we (me and my husband) knew that we were going to have a baby in our third month of being together as a married couple. Of course, it's shocking. The time I was already delayed in my menstruation, I begun praying that my menstruation will come out soon not that we don't like baby but it's because we still think that we are not ready emotionally and financially. We have dreams for our kids and at that moment we thought it's not yet the time.

But as soon as we confirmed that he is already there inside my tummy, I started to erased all those negatives thoughts I have in mind and accepted him. I know he can feel it already and I don't want to be his reason to be like mommy when he come out in the world. His mommy is so weak and emotional, so I wanted to build my baby's confidence and self-esteem.

So everytime I have negative things in mind I immediately erased it and told my baby that I love him while rubbing my tummy.

I and my husband is always praying for him.

Well, reality of not financially ready hits us hard in my first trisemester but thanked God that he never failed us. He always shows us grace and so much loved.

I'm thankful too that my pregnacy is not 'maselan'? Or sensitive in english? Though it did not really went smooth because I always have back pain, and I also experienced heart burns and cramps.

Just this February this year that we managed our finances. There are some adjustments for the baby but I'm relief that as of now we can still manage, can still provide the things we needed for him. What we are getting ready now is my next two last check up and another ultrasound because the doctor requires us to do another because the baby is in a breech position and also the big day, when it's time for the baby to come out. And little by little we are buying some maternity needs. I actually selected what is really needed and those less important that we can actually become resourceful for it I have to erased it in the list. Now, we are still lacking in our baby essentials but we hope we can buy those soon.

What I learned in my pregnancy is, we cannot questioned God about everything's happening around us because God knows what he is doing. Just trust him and he will direct us what to do and he will provide for us in everything we need to become victorious over a situation. Don't be afraid about new things that happening in our life because it's part of maturing. I thank God that we already have a baby, I think God just wanted to give us inspiration and a reason to enjoy this life that he has given us. This baby is a blessing we will treasure forever.

A Believer: Blessed (Vol. 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن