"One, three, one, one, one, five, five, two," he coughed, letting out a yelp as his legs began to shift, body stretching and changing in a way that put strain on his anatomy. The chains, I realized at the last second, were not designed to encompass them in their wolf form.

He wheezed, thrashing violently as his neck and head grew bigger and bigger, the collar growing tighter as fur sprouted across his body. His arms, high above him, broke and started rearranging into forelegs that were too thick for the manacles and I gasped, horrified, realizing...

"It's gonna break his body," I whispered, thunderstruck. "He's gonna--"

"RUN!" he managed to get out past his strangled lips; anything else he could have said was erased by the changing of his jaw, the elongating bone and expansion of his massive skull as he went from being a huge man to an animal the size of a horse impeding his speech.

I stood frozen, staring through my hair, as his limbs and joints began to crush themselves beneath bonds keeping him locked in a fixed position. He started yelping, crying in pain, but even that was cut off because of the collar. His tongue lolled out, eyes bugging, flailing.

He wheezed, jerking, head snapping as the metal dug in, cutting his airway off.

I didn't stop to think of the repercussions. I didn't stop, even for a second, to consider what might happen to me. All I knew was that, the moment I saw him being strangled and mangled, I was in motion and unlocking each and every single fucking bond keeping him in place.

"Hang on!" I cried, and one by one, I unsnapped the metal holding him still, watching as his limbs crashed down. He dangled from his neck, flailing and kicking, mouth opening and leaking drool, obviously unable to breathe, and with a cry I lunged right at it, clawing at the source of his pain, at the thing killing him. Panic suffused me since I couldn't get it to click open.

I could see a glaze covering his eye.

That big, amber eye staring straight into my own as if it knew what I was doing.

As if telling me not to do it.

I ignored the plea, ignored the request to run, and finally... the collar came free.

Sebastian crashed to the floor, expelling liquid from his stomach and all over the carpet, wheezing and coughing and lying limp with his tail flailing everywhere. His fur was standing on end as his lungs heaved for air, but I noticed a strong scent filling the room, something that even my non-abnormal nose could detect easily.

He twitched, eyes fixed on me, hungry.

"Babe, calm down," I said in a stern voice, staring at him when he let loose a horrible growl; I remained where I was, on my knees, as that massive head rose, looming high. I felt a chill run down my spine when he bared his teeth, but I didn't back away, didn't react, didn't show fear.

I stared the wolf down as a huff blasted my hair off my face and over my shoulders. Saliva dripped onto my lap as he leaned in close, so close that I could see the wrinkles on his muzzle, so close that the flecks of varying color on his wide black nose became visible.

He rolled to his feet in front of me, looming like a lion before a mouse.

He raised a paw the size of a dinner plate and suddenly I was being batted backwards, landing hard and unsteadily on my back, hair splayed out along the carpeted floor. Two heavy paws came down on either side of my head as he stood over me and a quick glance down revealed that he was, indeed, completely... aroused.

His body was that of a wolf so in this form, his anatomy was different.

Animal in every way. Canine.

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