"Fuck," he cursed, legs tensing and head flying back, shoulders shaking. "Aerin... fuck..."

I fought back a smile and continued to lavish him with my purest feelings, giving him love in the truest of ways. I gave him everything, feeling his center relaxing against my tongue, feeling it growing weaker and weaker, less tense, less resistant, less afraid... 

I didn't want him to be afraid.

I kept it up for a good ten minutes, taking my time, savoring the experience and every sound of pleasure that he made. I fondled his front for a while as well, feeling his impressive length, tugging on his foreskin, listening to every single change in his breathing, every grunt, every sound. I couldn't get enough of how his body melted like putty beneath my mouth and hands.

I pulled back after a time and looked at him.

He was not nearly as closed as before, and I wondered for a second if he was ready, but I shook my head and decided to prep him a little bit more. So, I leaned against his back and replaced my tongue with my fingers. I had never really had a need to do this in the past, and I didn't really know what to do in order to make it not hurt for your partner, but I did remember William.

I remembered what he'd done so it wouldn't hurt for me.

After that first night, too, Sebastian had always made sure I was ready enough to take him before actually going to town. Given his size, it had required a hell of a lot of foreplay, and even then there had always been a twinge of pain at first. 

His breath shuddered in and out as I pressed my lips against the small of his back. He was so much taller than me, legs far longer, which was going to make it impossible for me to make love in a normal fashion, but I already had an idea on what I was going to do. I'd done it once before with William, only once, but it had been the best experience of the three times I'd topped.

He had also been quite a bit taller than me, being six foot two and all.

After a time, Bash's hole was putty against my fingers, I could easily slip three inside.

"Are you okay?" I asked against his skin. "You're not hurting, right?"

"No," he rumbled in a low, languid tone. "I am feeling... good. I knew... my belief in you was not misplaced. This is the first time... I have ever experienced pleasure... like this. It is... new, and it makes me... I..."

"Shhh," I soothed, smiling and kissing his sweat-covered back. "Are you ready, Babe?"

"I... I am," he rasped, lowering his head. "Do it."

The world stopped spinning. Time froze and I felt a rush of empowerment flood through me. I looked down at myself, at my groin, nothing impressive, nothing out of the ordinary, and felt a rush of love and pleasure and heat flood through my gut. 

I licked the tips of my fangs, lost in the haze of my own arousal.

I wasn't thick, but length-wise I was slightly above average.

Six and a half inches.

Nothing compared to his monster, nothing all that special. I had been told so by William many times that the reason he didn't like it when I topped was because my dick was basically useless. He hadn't felt much of anything the first two times, and according to him I was better suited for receiving. I'd believed it... but Sebastian actually wanted me, all of me.

I wasn't going to say no.

"Bend your knees slightly until I tell you to straighten them out," I told him, voice coming out thick; he obeyed, and I grinned, using his angled calves as a makeshift stool to heave myself up and onto his back. His head came up to watch in the reflection as I wrapped my legs around his waist, just above his hips, and clung to his pectoral with my uninjured arm.

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