My heart felt like it was in my throat.

Was I that boy?

Am I not my dads son?

It would make sense.

My dark hair, my more confident personality.

It's possible that I'm not my dads son. That I'm not a Hart.

My blood ran cold.

I never slept that night.


I sit in the car quietly. My mom was driving us to the cinema.

We were going to Galaxy Wars 14, but to be honest, Galaxy Wars 14 was the furthest thing from my mind.

"So, are you excited to see the movie?" She asks me.

"Ya, I- ok, you know what? I can't do this. Is dad my real dad?" I burst out.

My moms breath hitches in her throat.

She pulls over.

"Is he?" I ask, my heart in my throat.

She looks at me.


I feel my stomach plummet.

"Who is?"

"Henry-'' My mother starts.

"Who is he!" I yell.

"Your boss!" She yells, finally giving in.

My blood runs cold. I feel myself pale.

"M-My boss." I repeat with a slight stutter.

"Yes." She states.

"Rai Manchester?" I question.

"Yes." She confirms.

"I've been working for him for 5 years! You never said anything!" I yell at her, tears start to form in her eyes. "I've been working for my fath- for Rai for 5 years and you did nothing!"


"Don't 'Honey' me, you let me live a lie for 17 years!" I yell. My heart raced as my breathing picked up.

"Henry, calm down." My mom says, trying to soothe me.

"Shut up!" I yell.

I swing open the door and launch myself out of the car.

I hear my mom scream my name but I've already begun running.

Rai is my friend.

He's nothing more.

But Rai is my father.

And my mother kept that from me for years.

When I'm sure I've lost my mother, I collapse to my knees.

I need someone to grip my shoulders and tell me it's ok.

I my fingers fumble as they try and pull my phone from my back pocket.

Once I have my black cased phone out of my pocket, I dial the all too familiar number.

The tone rings twice before I hear a greeting.

"Hello?" Rai answers.

"R-Rai?" I gasp out between breaths.

"Henry? Kid? What's wrong?" Rai asks.

"I, Rai- I need help." I say, my words fumbling.

"Henry, are you hurt? Schwoz, track the call." I hear Rai command.

"I, no I'm not hurt." I breathe out.

"Schwoz, bring up Henry's vitals. What's happened?"

"My mom told me something." I push out.

"He's having a panic attack." I hear Schwoz say in the background.

"Ok, Kid, I need you to take a deep breath for me. Can you do that?" Rai says.

I take a shaky breath.

"Good! That's good." Rai applauds. "What'd your mom tell you?"

"That you're-'' My words hitch in my throat.

"Rai, his heart rate just spiked."

"Kid, lets breath again. In and out, in and out."

"I can't-'' I gasp.

"I've got Henry's location." I hear Schwoz announce.

"Ok, Henry, I'm on my way." Rai assures me. "Take a deep breath, come on, you can do this." I gasp in a shaky breath. "Good, good, Kid. Now again." Rai orders.

I breathe again, this time it comes out steadier.

We keep breathing for five minutes, until I finally hear rushed footsteps.

I see the familiar face of Rai.

He grips my shoulders.

"Kid, it's ok. Breathe." Rai said calmly.

Once I finally manage my breathing, Rai looks at me and asks, "Henry, what did your mother tell you, that stressed you out so much?"

"I don't even know where to start." I say.

"Try from the beginning." Rai suggests.

"It all started when I took a blood test."

- time skip -

"I'm your- your my-'' Rai stutters.


"And your mom never told you?"


"Kid, I'm sorry but I'd be a terrible father." Rai says.

"Rai, I don't want you to be my father. I don't want to have to call you dad." I say, grimacing at the thought. "I just thought you should know, but I want things to be just as they were."

"Of course, Kid."

I eventually talked to my mom and told her I wasn't going to tell anyone, not even my 'Dad'. She thanked me.

And Rai and I never changed.

We stayed there where he found me for a while.

And we sat there, backs against the stone, not as father and son, but as two friends.

I kind of like this chapter.
This was for someone. They requested it a while back but now I can't find it and I can't remember who did, but here it is.

Requests are, as always, open.

Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now