"Not long now," Leo sourly muttered, arms folded. "So, who's gonna be the one to do it?"

"I will," Sebastian said in a low voice, and I turned to see that his eyes were yellow; thick arms folded, he slouched to one side, but I couldn't help but notice that his white tank was completely soaked through on the front and beneath his underarms. "I'll make sure the disease takes, but we aren't doing it tonight."

"Figured as much," Tiffany said worriedly, touching her belly. "She's gonna have a rough time."

"Not if I can help it," Sebastian uttered, clenching his jaw. "We're going to get her situated, comfortable, and prepare her for this issue. I've already hired a team of doctors and surgeons to work on her during her turning, to prevent her body from failing during the process, and I'm going to take every fucking precaution that I can to make sure that her transition is successful."

I swallowed, trying not to panic, but another gentle touch on my back soothed my nerves.

He didn't say anything, didn't try to tell me it would be okay, because he didn't and couldn't know that and he wasn't the sort to lie. This was his way of offering support, through his actions rather than speech, and I relaxed against his touch. I steadied my breathing.

Trying to remain optimistic.

Crickets chirped deafeningly and I had to swat at a few mosquitoes that stopped by to take a sip from my thighs, arms, and legs, but just when I was about to give up on waiting for her, Bash cocked his head to the side and glanced at Leo. The blonde responded by also cocking his head, nodding, and loping off down the steps and blurring down the driveway in the blink of an eye.

My hair was blasted back by the concussion he left in his wake.

"It amazes me how you guys do that,"I said, and everyone looked at me. "I always expect normal speed and normal movements, so when you all just kick off from the ground and make the air shudder with the force of it, I always get caught off guard. You're just... unnaturally powerful."

Grins filled the nighttime air all around, wolfish and proud.

"True enough," Horst boasted, flexing his skinny arms. "I'm the fuckin' best."

"Watch your tongue," Jak growled, aggressive, and the kid lowered his head.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "Its hard to stop swearing once you start."

"You can pick the habit back up once you're eighteen," his father sighed. "Until then, work on not cursing with at least every other sentence."

"I will."


I listened to them with anticipation, mostly to see Lou, and a few minutes later I could see her head of lustrous black curls bobbing into view from around the bend with Leo, who was carrying two of her suitcases. She was carrying two more, heaving them along while a very young, very uncomfortable, very pale boy with a long, emo, side-swept haircut followed. 

Lou's brother, I realized, observing him from afar; from what I could tell, his lower lip was pierced and the eye I could see was wide and very dark but that--coupled with his black tank-top, ripped jeans, and striped fingerless elbow gloves--gave him an extremely edgy vibe. 

His aesthetic screamed broody Skater Boy. 

I cast a glance at Horst, and then at my wolves, wondering how he was going to react to us.

"Bash!" Louise called, heaving her bags. "I finally made it!" 

I watched and tried not to let my rapidly beating heart run away with me as the two newcomers walked up and stopped in front of the porch. Horst clopped down and greeted her with a hug, and she dropped her bags to embrace him back, but I was surprised to see the kid shake a bit.

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