Episode 20: "I'll protect you"

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After the exhausting day at Disneyland, Jin and Tae had stumbled into a cafe with their wobbly legs. They had done so many fun things and rode so many rides at the amusement park. Jin enjoyed all the activities so much and well Tae.....not so much. His boyfriend kept wanting to ride the rollercoasters again and again and he was starting to feel really queasy (to be honest he was really scared of the rides and almost threw up, but he wasn't going to tell Jin that).

"That was soooo funnnnn" Jin sighed as he slumped into the chair.

"Mhmm..it was" Taehyung replied back as he played with the sugar packets on the table and handed the menu to his boyfriend. 

"I want a mango cheesecake, Tae" Jin gave the menu back after he had looked at it and rested his eyes for a bit.

"Why don't you order that yourself" Taehyung teased Jin as he slided the menu back to him and crossed his arms with a slight grin on his smug face.

Jin opened one of his eyes and looked at the menu on the table, and then looked back at Taehyung. "Whatt? Noooo, i don't want to....." He pouted, trying to look as cute as he possibly could to get out of getting out of his comfy seat.

Taehyung stared back at his boyfriend and they had a sort of staring contest until he let out a sigh, admitting defeat because come on....how could he resist those pink pouty lips of his. It wasn't a fair game.

He raised his arms as he surrendered and took the menu with him to the counter. As he was getting up, he saw Jin let out a wide smile and a little snicker before he silenced again as he noticed Taehyung was looking at him.

Taehyung made his way to the ordering counter of the cafe and ordered one mango cheesecake for Jin and an oreo chocolate cake for him.

Jin was so comfortable in his seat and let his eyelids close again as he slumped back into his soft chair and felt sleep taking over him. He smiled to himself, feeling so thankful for such a wonderful life with such a wonderful boyfriend like Taehyung. 

Just as he was bathing in his own bliss and happiness, his phone lit up and created a little ding sound. He groaned as he sat up from his comfortable position in the chair and checked it. 

The light of his phone illuminated on his face as worry painted it when he saw who was texting him. 

It was anon344.

Jin was scared, who was this person? Why won't they stop harassing him? He opened the text notification and checked the message. It read "Why are so tired babe?".

It gave him chills as he dropped his phone onto the glass table and it created an ugly clinking noise and resonated throughout the whole cafe. Jin slowly took a deep breath as he tried to calm down. He finally looked up from his current stance of staring at his phone. Everyone was staring at him. 

He really hated that. He has had anxiety problems ever since he can remember and right now he didn't have his brother here to comfort him either and his breathing was stuttering. His eyes bounced from wall to wall, from person to person, trying to avoid anyone's eyes. 

Taehyung turned to look at the noise when he heard the clinking and noticed it was coming from Jin's table. He tilted his head, confused at what made his boyfriend drop his phone. He continued to wait for his cakes but quickly rushed over as he saw Jin low key hyperventilating.

He knew that he had some problems when it came to being exposed to a lot of people and everyone was currently staring at him so Taehyung went over to sit in front of his boyfriend to comfort him.

Everything was swooshy for Jin right now and he was starting to feel light-headed form the pressure as he considered taking out a pill that Yoongi had given him for very extreme circumstances in which he might need to calm down.

But his worries quickly washed away as something (or someone) sat in front of him and blocked everyone's prying eyes from looking at him. It was Taehyung, his saviour.

Taehyung rubbed his hands reassuringly as he stared deep into his eyes with such kind and gentle eyes. His eyes were speaking to him even if he wasn't actually talking. They were telling him that he had someone to depend on and that he understands him. 

"You're my hero, I love you" Jin breathed out lowly once everyone around them (finally) turned away to mind their own businesses once again. 

"No problem.....what happened?" Taehyung didn't want to pressure his boyfriend into answering him but he needed to know what happened if he wanted to help him properly.

It took a little while for Jin to reply but Taehyung waited until he was ready rubbing his knuckles gently as he waited.

"There is some....creepy stalker that keeps messaging me" Jin sighed out as he handed his open phone of messages between him and anon344 and showed his boyfriend. ".....And i'm really scared".

Taehyung looked through the messages and totally got why Jin was freaking out, this crazy guy knew where Jin was constantly and it was really creepy. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw the guy's sexual comments towards his boyfriend and felt himself starting to get red from anger. He doesn't even know what he would do if something happened to Jin.

Would he even be able to live with himself?

"Don't worry Jinnie, I'll protect you" Taehyung looked back at Jin's eyes as he closed the phone and put it in his pocket. He was going to take it by the police station later in the day and didn't want Jin to be receiving any more creepy texts from the guy that might panic him.

"Let's just focus on our cakes and enjoy them for now hmm?" Taehyung stood up again to go and get their cakes and pay for it before bringing it back to the table.

The rest of the day went by as cute as ever. Taehyung had cream on his nose and Jin COULD NOT stop laughing his ass off and pointing at him as he filmed it on his phone. He got back at Jin for that though because he dropped a piece of mango cheesecake on his shirt and it was Taehyung's turn to laugh now.

After they were done eating (or throwing cake at each other) and walked out of the cafe. Taehyung intertwined his long fingers through Jin's as he guided him outside and to the park to walk through and look at the beautiful view. 

As they walked past a lake and it was golden hour, they sat down on the ledge and watched the sun go down. Jin had this look of pure fascination of the sun and Taehyung just couldn't hold in his uwus. 

"It's so pretty" Jin admired the pink and orange sunset sky.

Taehyung looked at the sun but turned to look at his boyfriend and replied, "Yea...it's gorgeous".

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