Episode 9: "That person is you, hyung"

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Seokjin woke up with his ass sore and trapped underneath Taehyung's arm. He couldn't help but blush as he recalled the events that had occurred last night. He slowly tried to wriggle out of Taehyung's strong grip but just ended up being pulled back again. Taehyung stirred at the movement and sleepily opened his eyes. His eyes met with Seokjin's brown doe like ones staring up at him from where he was nuzzled in Taehyung's chest. 

"Tae...I wanna make breakfast. Let me goooo~" He again tried to get Taehyung's arm off of his waist. 

"Mmmmmm....Nope!" Taehyung playfully replied as he chuckled at the cute pout forming on his boyfriend's plump lips. He peppered kisses all over Seokjin's face as he hugged him closer. 

"Tae.....Stop it" Jin replied as he started to blush at his, once again extremely cheesy boyfriend.

"Okay, okay....but only if I get to help you cook" Taehyung finally released his boyfriend and followed him into the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around his petite waist as he settled his face comfortably into the crook of Jin's neck. Seokjin reached his arm out to pet Taehyung's soft hair as a big smile appeared on his face.

His life was perfect. It was all he ever wanted. Taehyung was finally his, after all these years, they were finally together. Everything seemed to be exactly as he wanted. But he couldn't help but worry about how Jungkookie was doing, he seemed weird, something was definitely really off. 

It was way beyond having a crush on someone who didn't love him back, there was one thing Jin was really curious about. Who was this person who was breaking Jungkook's heart? 

"Taehyungie, I have to meet with Kook later today, can we move out date to dinner instead of lunch?" Seokjin softly asked to his loving boyfriend.

"Jungkook? Sure, but don't you do anything with him, you're mine Kim Seokjin" Taehyung's grip got tighter as he said those possessive words.

"I'm all yours, I promise Tae" Seokjin turned around to kiss his boyfriend on his cheek.

"You better promise" Taehyung cupped Seokjin's face in his big hands as he pulled him into a passionate kiss.

Seokjin went back to making them some grilled cheese sandwiches as Taehyung went back to disturbing his Jinnie with even more kisses. The pair continued being sweet and cheesy until they had stuffed themselves full of grilled cheese sandwiches. They filled their bellies up until they couldn't eat anymore. Seokjin picked up his phone and made a clicked on the contact "Kookie Monster" and put the phone to his ear.

"Hello" A deep voice mumbled from the other side

"Hey, Kookie, it's Jin"

"Oh....Hey, hyung"

"Listen, I think we need to talk Kookie"

"About what?"

"Just meet me at that cafe I like on the corner of the school at noon"

"Ok, hyung..."

"Bye, kookie!"

"Bye Jinnie"

Seokjin hung up the phone and returned to Taehyung's side.

They went back to bed to cuddle with each other, legs intertwined with each other and the golden sun shining down onto them in their sweetest of moments. Taehyung tucked Jin's loose hair behind his ear and planted a kiss onto his forehead. Seokjin brought his head up and rubbed noses with the love of his life, he loved that little gesture.

"I've gotta go to meet Kook now, Tae" Seokjin whispered as he realized that his boyfriend's eyes were drooping in an all too familiar way he saw in the first class of school every day. Taehyung gave him a nod as he let his eyelids drop and go off to dreamland where only he and Seokjin would exist.

Seokjin climbed out of bed and chose a cute outfit to wear to meet his best friend for lunch. He picked out some cute ripped shorts and a simple black cropped t-shirt paired with a red flannel. He fixed his hair in the mirror a bit before heading out to the cute cafe where they planned their meeting.

Jin arrived at the cafe to see Jungkook already waiting there with his favorite drink, a vanilla frappuccino. He walked over to the table and tapped Jungkook on his shoulder. Jungkook turned around, and as he saw Jinnie in his outfit, it was like he had fallen in love with this beautiful man all over again. 

"Hey hyung, you look really nice today"

"You do too, Kookie"

Jungkook's heart still fluttered every time Seokjin called him "Kookie".

Seokjin ordered his drink, the limited edition bubblegum flavored macchiato and faced Jungkook again for their talk.

"Jungkook, I need you to tell me who the person is" Jin placed his hands on top of Jungkook's

"W-What person?" Jungkook was getting nervous already.

"The person who is hurting you, I don't like seeing you so sad Kook" He rubbed his thumb up and down Jungkook's knuckles.

"Jinnie hyung, I don't think I should....."

"Why not?"

"I just, I can't"

"What? Do you not trust me?" Seokjin pulled his hand away.

"No....no, it's not that"

"Then, what is it?"

"BECAUSE THAT PERSON IS YOU, HYUNG" Jungkook yelled at Seokjin.

All eyes were on him, including Jin's and he just wanted to run out of the store, and so he did.

"Jungkook, wait!" Seokjin quickly slammed some cash on the table and rushed out to catch up to Jungkook.

He finally saw a familiar mop of brunette hair sitting atop a park bench and made his way over to it. He slowly sat down beside Jungkook and held his hand tight.

"Is the person really me, Kookie?"

"Yes hyung, why would I lie about that?" Jungkook turned to face the love of his life.

"I don't know...I just never suspected it, I'm sorry" Jin faced down, staring at his lap.

"No...you don't have to be sorry hyung, it isn't your fault"

"I'm still sorry, but Jungkook.....I love Taehyung...so much, and I'm sorry because I can't return your feelings" Jin faced Jungkook again.

Tears started to well up in Jungkook's eyes but he blinked the pain away as he didn't wan't Seokjin to feel any more like a bad person than he was already feeling.

"It's okay hyung, you two....you deserve each other, you're so happy when you're with him..." Jungkook smiled at Seokjin.

"Go to him Jinnie" Jungkook let go of Seokjin's hand.

Seokjin slowly stood up and gave Jungkook a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Goodbye Kookie" 

Jungkook watched through blurry eyes his Jinnie walking away to meet with another man, and what hurt him so much more was that Taehyung was a good guy, and he deserved Jinnie. He laughed at his own sadness as he got up and walked to a nearby bar to drink away his heartache.

Seokjin arrived at the address of the restaurant Taehyung had texted him, it was so fancy and beautiful. He walked in and he spotted his handsome boyfriend sitting at the corner booth, fixing his hair in a spoon. Seokjin laughed at his silly lover and made his way over to him.

"Hey babe" A deep voice resonated across the table and made Seokjin shiver.

"Yes, Tae?" Seokjin sat facing Taehyung as he welcomed his Jinnie with his most charming smile.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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