Episode 7: "I'm in love with someone"

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The next day when Taehyung and Seokjin came to school, their friends had sensed a weird new aura around the two of them, Taehyung seemed even clingier and more possessive than usual. There was undeniable tension between him and Jungkook as well, throwing secret glares when they thought nobody would see them. 

When they got into class, Taehyung made sure that Seokjin was seated in a seat near the wall and he was seated beside him. Every time Jungkook would go up to the whiteboard to solve a problem and got it right, Taehyung would scoff, loudly and even the professor had to give him a warning that if he made any more noises, he would get dentention after school. His intense glare at Jungkook's back which probably burned a hole through his shirt was interrupted by his Jinnie's soft hands rubbing up and down his arms. He turned around and gave him his signature adorable little box smile.

He found it kind of amazing that even when he was really mad or angry, one gesture from Seokjin would soften him up into a big cuddly bear. 

He slipped his hand under Seokjin's seat and caressed his thigh as to give him a silent reply that he was okay. Seokjin moved his hand from Taehyung's arms to his big veiny hands and intertwined them. They held each others hands until they heard the lunch bell ring and chairs screeching from hungry students. 

They walked out of the classroom, walking through the halls, looking at each other like they were each others world. But unfortunately, their little moment was broken by none other than Jeon Jungkook. 

"Hey Jinnie" he said not even sparing a glance to Taehyung.

"I heard that the canteen's selling strawberry milkshakes today" Jungkook excitedly informed his hyung.

"Really? Let's go TaeTae" He replied as he pulled his boyfriend along to the cafeteria.

That left Jungkook alone in the empty hall as he gingerly followed them from behind.

"I should've known" he breathed out a sigh.

Once they were all seated at the table, Seokjin had ran up to get a strawberry milkshake and cam back a few minutes later. He was seated in between Taehyung and Jungkook again as he set his milkshake down after he had taken a sip. 

"Ow, the cup so cold" Seokjin complained as he rubbed his hands against his cheeks.  

"Here, this'll help" Taehyung's husky voice called as he took Seokjin's hand into his own bigger hands. Seokjin blushed a deep red as he was getting all flustered at Taehyung's cheesy action.

Jungkook, irritated by this spoke up.

"I'm going to try your milkshake, okay Jinnie hyung?"

but before he could answer, he had already placed his lips precisely were Seokjin's light lip gloss had imprinted itself on the glass.

Taehyung was appalled at this action, because that was an indirect kiss right?......That was definitely an indirect kiss! He huffed at the action but brushed it off when Seokjin gave him an actual direct kiss and all of his worries and problems were blown away.

Disappointed that his actions didn't attract as much attention as he had wanted, Jungkook changed the topic.

"I heard there is going to be a huge party at Chanyeol's today, you guys going?"

Seokjin turned to Taehyung.

"TaeTae, we should go"

"I don't think so"

"We should totally go......pwetty pwease??" Jin made a cute face


"Thank yoooo"

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