Episode 17: "I'm falling even more in love"

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"You wanna come in?"


Seokjin blushed and looked down as he spoke, "Uh-Um.....sure, I guess.....it's getting kinda dark outside and stuff as well"

Taehyung smirked, "You don't have to make excuses, if you wanna come in you can just say so"

Seokjin nodded as he let himself be lead into Taehyung's house by a strong arm around his waist. The two sat down on the kitchen counter beside each other, Taehyung's hand warm on Seokjin's exposed thigh. He played with the hem of his boyfriend's velvet thigh high boots. 

"You wanna get those off......babe?" Taehyug asked, hesitant to call him by the pet name again. "They look kinda uncomfortable" He continued.

"Uh...yea, sure" Seokjin replied as he started to get off the high chair to take the shoes off. 

Taehyung stopped him before he could get off the chair, "Let me"

He stooped down and slowly unzipped the long zip of the boots. It was almost sensual maybe. It produced soft sighs from Seokjin as Taehyung's warm breath ghosted over his thighs.

One shoe was off and Taehyung unzipped the other one as well. Just as slow and sensual as the last. He rubbed up and down Seokjin's upper thighs as he looked up at his boyfriend's crimson red face.

"Uh....thanks" Seokjin looked away, not wanting to meet Taehyung's face. Taehyung went back up to sit beside his boyfriend on the high chair.

"I'm hungry, are you hungry?" Taehyung asked lovingly to his embarrassed lover.

"Do you.....want me to cook for you" Seokjin finally turned to look a Taehyung.

"Really?" Taehyung reached his hand out to play with Seokjin's stray hair.

"Yea! You know I love cooking, what do you want?" Seokjin asked cheerfully with bright eyes.

"Um...maybe, pancakes?" Taehyung pleaded with (attempted) doggy eyes.

Seokjin giggled at his boyfriend's awkward cuteness, "Sure"

Seokjin got up, feeling Taehyung's lingering hand falling off of his waist, he hadn't even noticed when he had put it on Seokjin's waist. He walked around to the other side of the kitchen counter, reaching up to the cupboards to try to reach the pan. 

Key word: Tried

He tried jumping up to reach the handle of the cupboard but failed. Taehyung watched at his cute boyfriend and his exposed waist from behind due to the sort croptop. He watched for a while before coming up behind Seokjin to help him get the pan. 

Seokjin felt warm hands on his skin before seeing an arm extend past his and reach the handle of the cupboard. Screw Taehyung for being so goddamn tall. He brought the pan down and held it out to Seokjin before pressing a kiss to the nape of his neck.

He could see his boyfriend's ears visibly redden at the action. He rubbed Seokjin's ears between his thumb and index finger lovingly, which made it even more crimson. 

Seokjin started getting the ingredients out of the refrigerator as he placed the pan on the stove. Taehyung was still behind and he could feel hands ghosting over his body. He smiled as he thought about how Taehyung was treating him. He was being so sweet, and suddenly all the memories came back.

He remembers the day he knew he loved Taehyung. It was cold winter day and Seokjin was alone on Christmas. His family didn't really care about him, they were very busy and rarely home. He warmed up the fireplace and curled into his blanket with a book in his hand. He convinced himself this was what he wanted, but inside, he knew it wasn't. And suddenly there was a knock on the door, and he would be lying if he said that he wasn't happy. He was too desperate for human interaction at this point. He opened the door to find Taehyung standing there, messy hair covered in flakes of snow and boxy smile facing him. He invited him in, and Taehyung took a place next to Seokjin on the couch. Taehyung knew Seokjin would be alone that day, so he ditched his family's own dinner party (but of course, he didn't tell Seokjin that) to be with him. Taehyung looked next to him to find him shivering, even under the blanket. Taehyung remembered about his gift that he was going to give Seokjin. He tapped Seokjin before giving him a baby pink fuzzy sweater. Seokjin took it and slipped it on his body, it was incredibly warm and inviting. He remembers that even when Taehyung left that night, he hugged the sweater close to his body and slept with it through the night, curling into it for warmth.

He smiles widely at the fond memory replaying inside his head. He quickly mixed the milk and eggs and whatnot together to make the pancake batter. 

"I love you" Taehyung whispered into the cockle of Seokjin's ear. 

Seokjin continued to mix and spoon the batter onto the pan as he broke into a big smile at his boyfriend's sweet words. 

"I love you too" Seokjin replied in a quiet whisper, just loud enough for Taehyung hear.

Once Seokjin was done with all the pancakes, he turned around to kiss his boyfriend. But was suddenly stopped by Taehyung.

"What?" Seokjin asked, "Did I do something.......?"

Taehyung just laughed without an answer

Seokjin was still confused, but started to laugh, "WHAT?" 

"No......Nothing, you have, uh, you have pancake batter on your face" Taehyung clutched his stomach as he laughed harder.

Seokjin started giggling with his boyfriend and they were suddenly a laughing tangle of limbs on the floor. The laughter filled the room.

They found themselves in an awkward position as they fell silent. Seokjin landed on top of Taehyung with his hand on his chest as Taehyung laid on the floor admiring Seokjin's lips. 

Heavy breaths filled the room now.

Taehyung lifted his hand to swipe at Seokjin's cheek. The pancake batter smudged on his hand as he brought it up to his own cheek and licked it off. Seokjin gulped at the sensual action as he looked away. 

Seokjin got up, followed by Taehyung as they returned to the kitchen counter to collect the pancakes before going to lounge on the couch. 

Taehyung also remembers that christmas day when he fell in love with Seokjin. 

He caressed the soft skin around Seokjin's cheek as he leaned himself into Taehyung's strong chest. 

Taehyung held his boyfriend close in his arms as he smiled fondly at the picture frame beside the couch. The one of them at the carnival. Seokjin also had that picture in his house. Knowing that made his heart warm up.

Seokjin looked back up at Taehyung as he kissed his chin. 

Taehyung stared lovingly into Seokjin's eyes as he stroked his soft silky hair. Slender hands threading through the dark locks. 

"Jinnie, I think I'm falling even more in love with you"

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