You Have Some Explaining to Do

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The hokage took a few seconds to let the meaning of that statement sink in before following Jiraiya out through the window eager to see her grandson for the first time in years ...


"Naruto!" Sasuke was the first to return with Neji. It still surprised the blonde that the Uchiha so openly hugged. Soon after the others arrived and for some reason it was more tearful and touching than before. The only one who hasn't come back yet was Jiraiya. Naruto wondered what the perverted sage was up to at this moment. He hoped it involved his grandmother.

"It's good to really see you guys." Naruto smiled, but soon the barrage of questions he expected will come.

Sasuke looked at him curiously, "Damn you got tall man ... and what happened to your whisker marks?" The raven said as he noticed the blonde was taller than him now. The Uchiha understood the clone's confusion from before. If Naruto went back in time and changed something it would explain why his memory seems different like how he remembers an asshole Sasuke.

The blonde chuckled, "That was actually something that happened right after I left. Apparently, certain things are affected when you go on a certain trip."

"You mean going back in time?" Tenten asked.

"Not exactly ... I did go back a few times, but I didn't go back first." Naruto said deliberately trying to be vague making everyone pout, but they weren't going to push him.

"More importantly ... how did you get away from Itachi and Torune?" Shino asked almost too eagerly.

Naruto smirked, he had no problem answering that now, "Both Itachi and Torune and their partners caught up to me. I knew I couldn't fight them and exposing them as spies would've been bad for all of us so I sent a clone to grab some things I hid away for an emergency and distracted their partners with a proposition and a set of photos ... the proposition was that instead of fighting and attracting lots of attention, that I go freely with whoever had the best looking partner." Just like years before he pulled out several pictures of the two butt naked spies. "Itachi or Torune, who's hotter?" He chuckled as everyone burst out laughing. Technically he used Alchemy to remake hem, but it doesn't matter

"Can we keep those?!" Sasuke asked through his laughter. Naruto handed Itachi's pictures to Sasuke and Torune's to Shino.

Shino's eyes widened as he looked closely at the pictures, "How did you get away alive after showing these?"

"Well actually their first victims were their partners who proved to be quite perverted and eager to help vote in the beauty contest so they were knocked out. After that I was threatened by your brothers ... almost tortured." Naruto shivered at the memory. "Thankfully the perverted partners came to at that moment and started taking the photos. That seriously pissed off your brothers. While Itachi and Torune were beating the shit out of their partners my clone returned and I just barely got away by using small teleport seal in my emergency supplies."

The young Aburame smirked, "You are really lucky."

"Believe me, I know." The others noticed something flash across Naruto's eyes. It didn't take a genius to know that he has been through a great deal. Suddenly, Naruto stiffened as he sensed someone coming. A few moments later he saw Jiraiya and Tsunade jump down from the trees. "Hey Grandma." He smiled. It wasn't obvious, but he was just as nervous about seeing his last living relative as he was happy.

Tsunade sniffled as she came up to Naruto who was a few inches taller than her, "You've grown so much." She finally broke down and hugged Naruto who returned the hug ...

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