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Somewhere in an ancient forest a very large man with a scruffy black beard looked up and saw someone fly out of a white spinning vortex and fall from the sky, "What? Who is that? ... oh no! They're falling towards the Whomping Willow!"


Naruto paled as he found that he was racing towards the ground, "Why am I so damn high this time?! ... oh wait! I can just bend the air!" He made a slight motion with his hands and he started to slow down, but,"is that tree moving? ... oh shit." His eyes widened as the really tall odd looking tree bent back and aimed right at the blonde ... Naruto's eyes almost popped out their sockets and he frantically tried to get out of the line of fire. Even Kyu popped out of the blonde's pockets to see what the commotion was, but it was too late.

Maybe if Naruto wasn't so tired and worn down from the effects of the curse he could've gotten away, but he didn't. The tree arched back and snapped forward nailing the poor blonde in mid air sending him flying into the side of a castle.


"Is he ok? I-I tried to get to him in time!"

"Calm down, Hagrid. He will be fine ... it's a miracle really."

"Oh good ... what do you think the was doing, Mr. Dumbledore?"

Those voices slowly brought Naruto back to consciousness and he opened his eyes, "KILLER TREE!" He yelped and jumped onto the ceiling in a panic ...


The blonde ninja blinked and looked down at two stunned adults and three young teens. After a slightly awkward silence Naruto smiled and dropped gracefully to the floor, "Hi, I'm Naruto and that's Kyu." He pointed at the fluffy fox perched on the bed he was on moments ago.

The tall man with a pointy hat and a long gray beard smiled kindly, "You had us worried young man. We weren't sure if you would live after getting hit by the Whopping Willow."

"I have a hard head." Naruto chuckled. "So umm ... are you and where am I?"

The three youngest people looked confused, but not the others, "You're in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster and this is Hagrid, the Gatekeeper." Dumbledore gestured towards the big man next to him, "and these three are students here, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. They pulled you into the castle when you collided into the wall."

"Oh thanks." Naruto grinned.

Harry smiled, "It was no problem. I'm glad you're ok ... is something wrong?"

"Hmmm no. Where did these clothes come from?" asked Naruto curiously when he noticed he was wearing black robes like Harry ... but it was more than that ... the cut on his finger was gone and he felt completely healed! ... but how? The spider was still on his hand ... so how?

Ron sighed, "Your clothes were ripped and covered in sap so Harry gave you some clothes."

"Oh! Thanks again." Naruto bowed out of habit.

Dumbledore smiled, "Now you three should get back to class" Harry, Ron and Hermione said farewell and reluctantly left the room. "I can watch Naruto for now so you can go Hagrid." The large scruffy man smiled and left the room too. "I'm sure you are curious as to why you are healed even though your curse is still in place."

"I see that you know about it." Naruto subconsciously gripped his cursed hand.

"Yes. Sadly, you are not the first person to come here with that curse. I have met two others in your predicament ... I fear there are far more than that though." The older wizard sighed sadly.

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