A Ninja in Middle Earth

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He looked through the papers, "I don't know where these places are. How do I get there?"

"Like this." She snapped her fingers and a white spiraling vortex opened up. Naruto screamed as he was sucked up into the vortex and sent hurtling to some unknown destination.


The portal opened up and Naruto smashed painfully into the hard ground. He tried desperately to pick himself up get to the vortex, but it closed before he could get there.

"Fuck ... I so didn't see that coming ... I guess I have no choice, I better get started." He made a quick fire since it was almost night.

Naruto looked at the papers in the fire light and noticed a notation that wasn't there before:

Ok boy: Place any of the items on the papers and they will be transported back to me. Once you've completed getting all the items the vortex will reappear and take you to the next place, but I gave you something else too. Something that will make sure you keep your word, a curse. Look at your right hand and you'll see a black mark in the shape of a spider. As your dead line for gathering items comes closer, you will see the spider move up your arm, if it reaches your heart your time runs out and the curse will kill you.

Naruto ripped off his right glove and saw a black spider mark on his hand, "Dammit, well I better get moving ... what do I have to get?"


Destination 1: Middle-Earth


1 warg – dead

1 nazgol – dead

rope made from elves

giant spider thread


"Great, I have no idea what these things are, it's nighttime an- what the hell happened to my face!?" Naruto caught a glimpse of his reflection in a puddle of water and did a double take. His whisker marks were gone, he had silver streaks in his hair and he was taller.

"Could something have happened when I was sent here-" He was cut off by a child's scream for help. "I ... Fuck it! I'll worry later!"

Naruto ran in the direction of the scream and saw two kids, a 7-8 year old girl and a boy about his age, on a horse. They were being attacked by two savage looking men whose torches allowed enough light to see the situation. Naruto charged forward and sent a kunai flying. The kunai pierced the savage man's neck killing him instantly. The second savage man gave an enraged yell at seeing his comrade die and ran at Naruto with an axe. The man swung the axe trying to cleave Naruto in half, but the ninja jumped over the swing and kicked the man. The kick was so hard he went flying into a tree and was knocked out cold.

" Are you two alright? Wait, you shouldn't travel in the dark!" Naruto yelled when the boy kept the horse going.

"We don't have time to stop we have to hurry!" The boy snapped, glaring at Naruto suspiciously and fearfully.

Naruto sighed and nodded, "Fine then, tell me where you're going and I'll help you get there. Move." The ninja jumped onto the horse and took the reins.

"We're going to Edoras." said the girl as she pointed the way ignoring the boy's sulking.

Naruto nodded and steered the horse in that direction. He noticed his clothes were completely different from theirs so he did a quick henge to change his appearance so he didn't stick out like a sore thumb. Thankfully, it was too dark and by this time the two kids were too tired to notice his change of attire.

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