5 ~ New School

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The following days went by pretty slowly and without too much incident. Richard did take me back to the store with the apology letter, and I then spent most of my time moping in my bedroom or hiding in the library with my nose in a book, only coming out for dinnertime. I tried to just stay out of everyone's sight, as I figured that would be the easiest way to keep myself in check.

It was Sunday evening, and I would be starting at my new school the next morning. I was somewhat nervous, as I hated trying to meet new people and make new friends. I was lying across my bed reading a book when a knock came at my door.

I dog-eared the page I was currently on, laying the book down face first as I then got up from my bed and answered the door to Riker standing there. I gave him a rather curious look as he just walked right past me and into my room, flopping down onto my couch as if he owned the place. I followed him over the couch and just stood beside him with my arms crossed over my chest. "Can I help you?" I questioned as I gave him a puzzled look.

"Be ready to leave by seven am. You'll ride with me and Gavin to school unless you want to take the bus. While at school, please don't bother me at all. I don't know you, and I don't want anyone to know that we are associated."

"That's a little harsh!" I said shaking my head at him. "You may get out of my room now, you ass!" I yelled at him as I pointed toward my bedroom door.

"Yeah, well like I said, I don't know you." He then got up from the couch and casually left the room, never looking back.

I stood there for a few minutes longer with my jaw dropped in disbelief. As if I already didn't feel like an outcast, this was just going to make it even more so. The audacity!

Monday morning approached, and I was awake and ready to go way before I needed to

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Monday morning approached, and I was awake and ready to go way before I needed to. I ventured down to the kitchen area and saw that Cole had not started breakfast yet, so I looked through the fridge and found myself some yogurt and strawberries. Richard strolled into the kitchen shortly after, grabbing himself a cup of coffee before sitting down next to me at the island counter as I slowly ate.

"Everything should be all set at your new school," he said as he took a sip from his mug. "I confirmed that your transcripts were sent over, and I spoke with your new principal, Mr. Marquee. You're a little behind compared to where students at Coleman Preparatory Academy are as far as lesson plans. Just ask for help if there is something you don't understand, and if for some reason you feel like you need more one-on-one help, we can look into tutoring. I unfortunately have to leave this morning for a few days for business, so Cameron and Beckett are in charge. Just remember my rules, and everything should be fine. When I get back we can go out to dinner or something and we can talk about what happened between your mom and I." Richard then got up from his seat, placed a light kiss on my forehead, and smiled at me. "Things started rough here, but I promise it's going to get better sweetheart." He placed his coffee mug in the sink and then left me alone once again.

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