07. Only Scratching the Surface

Start from the beginning

He flashed a grin, "I apologise, Maggie. I didn't mean to throw you that hard,"

His words were all but insincere.

Maggie tore her eyes away from him and stared at her surroundings. There was nothing in the square room except for a large wooden post in the centre of the space; thick rope lied at the base. A few feet away, a single bulb hung from the ceiling by its fraying electrical wires. It looked like a scene out of a horror movie.

Cold shivers ran down her spine, potent fear instilling her as she dreaded what would happen to her in these next moments.

Emmett's eyes flashed darkly, "Freaked out yet?"

She turned around slowly, cringing at the throbbing pain in her neck, and let out a very shaky breath, "I-Immensely."

His malicious grin never faltered once, "That pleases me,"

Emmett was suddenly by her side in unfathomable speed. A breath of air whooshed Maggie, locks of hair settled around her face. He lifted her in one effortless movement as if she weighed nothing to him.

Maggie gasped audibly, barely able to comprehend the man's inhuman speed and strength.

Her eyes flickered to the spot he had been only a second ago. They widened when she stared back into Emmett's terrifying, green eyes. She was intensely overwhelmed with confusion.

Emmett dragged her forcefully across the room until her back connected to the wooden post. The bleeding gash on her head smacked hard against the pole, provoking a groan to leave her lips. Her eyes squeezed shut for a moment before words came tumbling out her mouth.

"W-What are you –" Emmett cut her off her, placing a finger against her lips silencing her stuttered words.

He silenced her further with a low snarl. His face leaned in closer until he was mere inches from her. His eyes were an intense, emerald gaze. "I want you to be quiet," He hissed, "I don't trust everyone here, so not a sound from you, yes?"

She sealed her mouth shut, too afraid in the moment to voice or question his cryptic words.

Emmett removed his finger and smiled in triumph. He was pleased with her submissiveness and silence. He revelled in it.

Maggie's chest moved up and down heavily, her breath hitched when Emmett's gaze lowered. His teeth peaked through his smirking lips and pressed his body flush against her trembling figure.

She could not believe she was in this insane situation. All she wanted was to leave Wolverton falls. The people and her house now remanent of embers and ash. Most of all, she wanted her brother back.

Her body felt exhausted like the bones had desiccated completely. She felt utterly helpless. The loss of her brother was becoming too much.

And this man in front of her, breathing down her neck and pressing himself against her, had ripped her of her right to mourn Max. She was in the clasp of an abnormal man who reeked of madness.

Keeping his body agonisingly close to hers, Emmett began to lower himself. His slanted nose brushed against her tensed stomach. Maggie's entire form stilled. She felt incapable of moving, like bars of iron had been bolted across the tops of her feet – entrapping her.

Emmett inched down further, his hot breath fanned against her and large hands splayed around her waist. Fingers gripped tightly and dug through her flimsy shirt.

"Stop," Maggie pleaded, tears fell down her face as a sob escaped her lips. Emmett chuckled quietly under his breath. His hands moved under her shirt until she tensed at the pads of his fingers stroked her bare skin. Goosebumps began to crawl.

His hands froze, then snatched her thigh, the pants tugging down a few inches. His nails dug in harshly, almost tearing the fabric. Maggie cried out softly at the bruising strength of him.

"Quiet, Maggie, remember?" He hushed her cries with a snarl.

She felt him move lower. Her teary eyes shot down, following his hand stroking her leg until he grasped the pile of rope at her feet. His grin widened as his long fingers curled tauntingly around the rope.

Realising he was going to bind her, she thrashed around violently.

Emmett shot up from his crouched position and held her down with unnatural strength. Her struggles died down; fatigue and exhaustion fell over her like an insufferable blanket.

Silently, Emmett tied the rope across her abdomen tightly and knotted it around the sturdy post. He grabbed her arms, hauled them both up over her head, and bound her small wrists.

Emmett took a step back, admiring his work as he mumbled incoherent words falling deaf on her ears. She weakly yanked at the constraints, but her efforts were in vain.

"W-What's the point of this?" She cried out exhaustively. "Why do have me here?"

Emmett's smirk grew, eyes glinted with dark humour, "Now those are the questions I expected,"

"But!" He raised a forefinger up and waggled it teasingly near her face, "I must just find it more amusing to leave you to figure the mysteries." She frowned, leaning away from him but this just made him smile further.

"Now, I'm going to come back later and then we're going to have some fun," Leaning in, he moved to press his lips against hers. She recoiled back at the last second, his lips meeting the side of her mouth – inches away. Disgusted, she sneered at him with her might and brought her knee up to his crotch.

It horrified Maggie when he didn't even react. As she retreated her leg, Emmett's lips left her face and fiery eyes stayed transfixed on hers.

Something inside him suddenly snapped. His face contorted into livid anger, a hand shot out to grasp her jaw. His strong grip caused her to groan and immediately regret her actions.

"You should be fucking glad how lenient I'm being with you. Show some respect," He ripped his hand from her and with frustration, ran his hands through his mess of dark hair. Emmett began muttering words under his breath again.

Her jaw ached and throbbed, causing her to roll her head back as she moaned. Maggie bought her bottom lip under her teeth and bit it down hard to distract herself from Emmett's intimidating presence and the ache from her head wound where blood trickled down her neck. Locks of her matted brown hair were dampened by the red substance.

Heaving in a deep breath, Emmett spun around to face his captive.

A cruel grin returned, "I apologise Maggie – just next time, don't aggravate me, or I'll do a lot worse," With that, he left. Slamming the metal door shut, leaving specks of dust to fall from the ceiling and Maggie alone in the darkness.

Vulnerable to her own thoughts and what lurked outside that door. 



MUSIC: Hanging On (I SEE MONSTAS Remix) Divergent Soundtrack by Ellie Goulding

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