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that photoshoot will forever be cute❤️

Today is the second day we've been here in Seoul. I truly believe we're having more fun because the guys knew every place we've been too. Today everyone decided to travel in groups. Me, Jin, Jungkook, Ayanna, Namjoon, and Jimin were in a group together. I guess you can say it's a little awkward for me, but I brushed it off. We walled around the amusement park while I was drinking my slush. It was kinda rare for Seoul to be hot, but was 88 degrees...which isn't bad. I'm glad I wore shorts. My thoughts were broken when Jin got my attention.

"You know... it's kinda dangerous to be walking around deep in thought." He said chuckling, making me smirk.

"Well did you know it's dangerous to interrupt a woman's thought?"

"I know now." He said, winking. I shook my head and I nudged Ayanna.

"Sooooooo how are you and Namjoonie?" She sighed with a smile.

"It's wonderful...he's wonderful."

"Awwwwwwww must be nice."

"Girl shush." She looked behind us to make sure Jin wasn't listening. "Did you forget about Jin and possibly Jungkook?"

"No I didn't, but I'm just so confused at the moment." I said before taking a sip of my slush.

"Well just leave it up to God. Things happen for a reason."

"That's so true." We stayed at the park for a few more hours and we left. It was so fun that I didn't wanna leave, but I know I can always go back. I took a nice long shower as soon as we got to the hotel. As soon as I put my pj's on I walked in the kitchen where everyone else was until Jimin told me to go in the room.

"Wassup ChimChim?" I said with a grin.

"Nothing much, just wanted to talk." He said sitting on the bed.

"What is it?" I asked, sitting down too.

"So about you and Jin. Are you guys together?"

"No, it's a relationship but not really official. Ya know?"

"Ahh okay. What about you and Jungkook?" I froze. How did he know?!?!

"How did you-"

"Kookie told me. He has some feelings for you."

"Yeah I figured."

"Just go with you're heart Kaila... everything will be fine."

"Thanks Jimin."

"No problem. If you're sad, I'm sad, if you're crying, ima cry, if you need some support, I got you." My heart felt so warm inside by Jimin's words. He's really a sweetheart.

"Jimin you are too sweet." I said hugging him.

"Hey, what are friends for right?"







*sobbing hard* ima go cry in a corner now😭🥰

-*sobbing hard* ima go cry in a corner now😭🥰

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Confused Love || BTS Jinkook Interracial Fanfic✔️Where stories live. Discover now