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Daina, after that day, started investigating on her own little by little about how and why his brother came to know the love of her life, Reign Schalander.

Not once she visited the orphanage for the past few years after she was adopted, but now, she especially emptied her schedule to be able to come and see her past home.

None of the staff members, even the old ones, remembered her probably because she changed a lot from when she was still staying at the facility. Before she's always slouching and distant, now, she's full of confidence and elegance. One won't even suspect that she came from an orphanage.

"Um, hello," she asked an elderly staff whom she remembered was Mrs. Lina, "I am Daina, adopted by the Lopez family a few years back. I have a younger brother named Engel, I want to inquire about him. "

She smiled sweetly at the old lady while attempting to give her a white envelope full of money, "Here, I want to help this orphanage. This is the least thing I can do to help. Anyway, " she paused, watching the old woman's expression change from muddled to dumbfounded, "I want to know what happened to my younger brother, please give me details. "

Mrs. Lina nodded slowly as if bewitched. She remembers, she remembered that little girl, Daina. She was detached to everyone and does not, in any way, have a close relationship with her brother. Why now? Why would she...

"I seriously regretted that I didn't pay attention to my brother's well being before. I was immature and too clueless, but now, I will try to reconnect with him and have a better relationship with him. He's my only family after all. "

Daina dramatically pulled a white handkerchief from her frilly skirts' side pocket, wiping her eyes filled with freshly and tightly squeezed tears.

The poor old woman forgot all her reasons and contradiction just a minute ago, she can't help but feel pity at the young beautiful lady, "Oh, how nice of you. Come here, dear, I have his documents in my office. "

Mrs. Lina, now, has a great impression on Daina. She did not only gave a donation to the orphanage, but she also wanted to be with her brother and care for him now that she's grown up.

'What a sweet and proper woman,' she thought.

Daina, still wiping her eyes, nodded. A sly smile forming in her lips.

[Host, as expected, she personally went to the orphanage to investigate you. ] the system reported while Avery nonchalantly and swiftly moves his hand in every stroke he's making.

"That's a nice move, she didn't act impulsively and tried to attack me at school."

[Tsk! ( ー̀дー́ ) That old lady was easily manipulated by that woman!] being the protagonist really has some benefits!

Avery just shrugged as he continued what he was doing. He is in the garden right now though he prefers painting indoors more.

For a couple of days, he locked himself in his room, painting and sketching the whole day which resulted for Reign to force his way in and literally carried him out of his room to eat in time and to see sunlight.

Also, it's been almost a week since their faithful meeting happened.

Reign asked him several times about if someone's bothering him at school but he denied each time. About Daina, Reign asked him if he knew her, Avery gave a vague answer. He just nodded but didn't explain any further.

[By now, she's on her way to find Scarlette. She'll probably conspire with her to kidnap you or something. (•﹏•ั;ก) ]

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