Arc 0.1: Introduction

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He doesn't remember anything.

Not a single thing from when he was alive.

Just like anyone else in Paradis, no one remembers anything about themselves aside from their name and age.

And, fortunately for them, they retained their common sense.

Avery, 17 years old, was assigned to work under Block D. Block D is responsible for typing and printing contracts for the incoming souls. Their department mostly focuses on paper works.

He still remembered when he was contracted. His contract was printed on a glossy paper in a fancy unfamiliar font.

A kind-looking man with a white beard in an old fashioned robe asked him if he is willing to work and stay in Paradis, where he can interact freely with other souls, or go straight to heaven.

Obviously, he chose the former.

He then signed the contract not knowing what future it will bring to him.

Years passed and he became a trusted employee of the block. Though, he admits that doing the same things over and over again every single day is boring. Thoroughly and utterly boring.

And that's why he's now in the Block A building, the Department of Transmigration. He hopes to be a transmigrator.

"Hey there cutie!" a brunette in her middle forties energetically strutted towards the hopeful young lad.

"Hello to you too, Mrs. Jones."

"Are you sure about this?" she asked for the nth time while wrapping an arm around the boy's round shoulders.

Avery vigorously nodded.

"I am sure, can't be more sure than I already am," aside from breaking away from his normally mundane routine, he's kinda hoping to remember his past like Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones is one of the veteran transmigrators in Paradis. She was the second soul he met after Mr. Yao, the old man who first contracted him and also Block D's manager.

"Hm," she paused, slightly hesitating, "I've told you before, it's not guaranteed that you'll remember everything about your past life or if you'll remember anything at all!"

"I... I know that."

When he was still new, Mrs. Jones warmly welcomed him, figuratively, because souls can't actually give warmth. She was under Block A. She told him numerous stories about her transmigrations.

Not too long ago, he was also told that she was actually previously called Michelle but suddenly, some of her memories came back. She now knew that she was happily married. Thus, her surname, Jones. She had two sons and was expecting the third. Unfortunately, things happened. Now, she's here for who knows how many years.

"Dear, you left the world early. You're only 17 and in Paradis, you'll stay 17. You're still a child, I am worried about you," she gave him a pat in the back, "But I also know that since you're young, you will want to spread your wings someday. "

She gave him a tight hug as she guides him towards the manager's office.

What he didn't tell her that aside from escaping from work and recollecting his past, there is also something which is continuously bugging him for the past few weeks. Somehow, in his head, a voice can be heard. A tiny little voice was calling him and tempting him to explore. He first thought he's going crazy but he also felt like if he did, maybe, he can learn more things about himself, or on how and why he died.

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