Arc 1.1: I Got Myself a CEO

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Name: Avery
Age: 17
Likes: Milk
Dislikes: Mayonnaise
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Gender: Male
Skills: Cooking, doing household chores, computer/hacking, office works
Hobbies: Drawing and painting, playing games, reading
Distinctive Feature: Have scattered moles in different parts of his body. 21  in total.
Description : Prettier than you'll ever be.

Pochi is showing Avery his data after arriving in a spatial space now owned by his host.

"What's with the description? " Avery asked with furrowed eyebrows. He looks like a frowning cat. Still very cute.

Aside from that, how in the name of souls, did they know about the number of his moles?!

[Eh?! The information about host is automatically generated. We can't edit it unless proven otherwise.] the system scratched his imaginary head with his imaginary hand.

"Tsk! "

[It's true though, host is the prettiest!] he consoled his host, thinking it'll actually help.

"You look pretty! Your father and brother look pretty! Your whole family looks pretty!"

[Eh? Are you supposed to be insulting me? Host, that's not how it works! Σ( ° △ °)] he scolded, [but thank you (灬ºωº灬) ]

After bickering for a minute and as if in a blink of an eye, he disappeared once again but now from his spatial space.

Avery felt something hard against his back. He opened his eyes and found himself lying on the cold floor in a shabby looking apartment.

He felt a little uncomfortable and decided to just stand up and look around.


[Yes, yes! I'll be now transferring both the plot and story to host! ]

Title: I Got Myself a CEO
Type: Josei, a Mary Sue novel
Main Character: Daina Lopez- deceitful and self-centered, quite the narcissist
Sypnosis: Daina, an art college student, is a simple yet alluring girl that decided to change her fate. Despite being originally an orphan, she managed to prove to others that with her skills, she can succeed in life. When she first saw Reign Schalander, a multi-millionaire CEO, she felt her heart throb for the very first time. She promised herself to make him hers no matter what.
Host's Character: Engel - cannon fodder, mute (can hear and understand words clearly, can only produce short sounds.)
Engel's Story: Daina and Engel are half-siblings from the father's side. Ever since, she didn't like her brother at all. Her brother, despite being a boy, looked better and more delicate than she was. Her father and stepmother were both working at the same company. One day, they got involved in a car accident, making the two child orphans. Like his mother, Engel was naturally gifted with artistic mind and hands. Daina envied him because she actually liked drawing and painting as well, except that she wasn't that good even if she worked hard. She hated him. Two years passed, a wealthy family that valued art and crafts the most took a visit. The kids were asked to show their artistic side through whatever medium to cater to the family's request. Daina stealthily stole Engel's work and presented it as her own. She took advantage of Engel's unsuspecting personality and meekness into tricking him to hide. She told him that they will be playing hide and seek, she's 'it'. But she didn't come back, he stayed hidden in an abandoned storage room for almost half a day.

Due to the protagonist's luck and Engel's astonishing painting, she was chosen by the Lopez family and was instantly brought to their residence. Daina worked harder in order to further improve her skills to not disappoint the Lopez family.

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