Behind me Sebastian was still laughing, face pressed into my hair, trying to muffle it but I could feel his body quaking with mirth and it irritated me.

"Don't laugh too hard," I snapped. "You're next, Babe!"

He instantly looked up at Kyle who was standing there like some kind of curly-haired trickster god, a glint in his eyes and a smirk on his face. My mate raised an eyebrow and leaned forward, moving me with him as he picked up a card. He turned it over and immediately snorted.

"Well damn," he drawled. 

"Five seconds!" Kyle announced.

NAME 3: Erogenous Zones.

"Neck, inner thighs, and nipples," he purred, as if by clockwork, then slyly added, "especially nipples."

The group howled and laughed, waking Tiffany up who looked at us, shook her head, and plopped back down, fast asleep within seconds. The reaction was oddly familiar to me but Woody simply seemed amused.

"So are those yours or Aerin's?" Leo asked in a conspiratorial tone, leaning forward. "I'm more inclined to say they're Aerin's but I've definitely heard him drive you nuts a few times... go ahead, tell us!"

"No way!" I squeaked. "Why does he have to?"

"Because it'll be fun to tease the fuck out of you later," Dick chuckled with a wicked grin. "Why the fuck else?"

"I hate all of you," I complained.

"They're his," Sebastian proudly informed them, and I abruptly twisted to scowl up at him.

"Traitor!" I shrilly accused, but he simply smirked and hugged me tight against him. As if to solidify his admission he brought his head down and sensually licked my jugular, sending a jolt through my stomach and a wave of heat through my cheeks.

I felt horrified when I flushed, toes curling against my will. The others whistled and laughed and I felt him smirk against my skin.

"Sorry, Beloved." 

The game continued for a long while after that and I watched as everyone was progressively embarrassed by extremely lewd questions, followed by hoots and hollers and ribbing from the guys all around. After a time, though, the yelling and laughter started making my head hurt. 

"I need another drink," I finally said, getting up from Sebastian's lap and stretching; I shook my hair out of my face and pushed it back behind my ears before heading out of the room and down the hall to the kitchen. There were bottles and cans everywhere on the counter, along with platters of food and chips and dips, all of which had been made by Cassidy and Diana.

I ignored the food and poured myself a glass of whatever Richard had mixed together in a pitcher. It was pink and blue and smelled really good, but severely alcoholic. Sebastian joined me a second later, coming in without word or warning, but he went for a glass of water. He turned to look at me as I stood there, sipping on the bizarrely colored drink.

"Aerin," he murmured, and I turned to look at him. "Are you... all right?"

I thought about it... really analyzed my mood and the way I was feeling. 

"Aerin?" Sebastian murmured, bringing me clean out of my head. I blinked at him, then lowered my eyes again and continued thinking, trying to figure myself out. So many unexpected bad things had happened.. but time was passing and things were slowly going back to normal. 

Only, it felt like a much safer version of our previously unsettling normal.

Every single day, people I'd never seen before or even met were busy on the property installing the home security system that Bash had paid for, and I'd heard the same held true for Woody's property and a variety of other homes that Sebastian owned around the state.

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