Burning Question: Raphael

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(Y/N)'s POV

So we talked. For a long time. Did it go anywhere? Kind of. Are there things left unclear? Definitely.

I don't blame Raph for clamming up the way he did. I understand he's not the type to be so open about how he feels, and I guess the talk we had is what'll push him to work on that. But I'm still not sure where we go from here. We're both aware that we have feelings for each and want something to happen, but will it happen? He didn't really say anything about it, nor did he ask me. He didn't say it directly, but I could still tell how scared and closed off he was.

What was I supposed to do about it? Was I supposed to make the first move? Or should I leave it to him when he was ready? It was a confusing time right now.

The problem now was him not talking to me. It's been a few days, and not once has he returned any of my calls or any texts. Not even a simple text to tell me good morning. What ever happened to those?

Maybe this was all a mistake. I should've left him alone instead of pushing me to tell me right then and there. If I had just kept my mouth shut and let him be to tell me when he was ready, we probably wouldn't be here right now. We'd probably be fine being whatever it was we could've been. We probably would've been better off as just friends if this is what confessing led to.

I sat at the edge of my bed, picking the chords on my guitar while I tuned it. I couldn't focus at all with my mind racing like this; I was starting to get frustrated with myself over something so simple. I was on the brink of giving up until I heard a light tapping on my window.

Should I play the petty game for him practically ghosting me for almost a week? Maybe I can pretend I didn't hear him. No, that wouldn't be okay.

I sighed and set my guitar down on the bed before making my way to the window. Sliding it open, I walked away without even saying a word to the red-clad turtle and returned to my bed to continue tuning my guitar.

"Really? No 'welcome back?'" He remarked.

"Be happy I even let you in." I said, not bothering to look up at him.

I heard a sigh that was followed by shuffling feet, and I felt the bed dip behind me.

"I know I shouldn't have ignored you-"

"You think?" I interrupted.

"You're mad, and you got every right to be," he continued. "I needed to get my head straight, (Y/N), but I ain't know how to really go about that."

I lowered the guitar and listened. A part of me felt bad, but at least he considered my feelings were valid.

The bed dipped once again, but this time right behind me.

"I-I had been working on something during that time, so I hope it makes up for it."

I set down the guitar once again and finally mustered up the courage to face Raphael. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I saw him again. I couldn't be mad anymore.

He handed me something that was poorly wrapped in some old newspapers. It was large and rectangular, but it was little thin. He was a bit shaky, but was it a surprise? He couldn't look at me directly, and he scooted a little bit away once I took the gift.

I carefully undid the newspaper wrapping to reveal a painting. It was of me, but the background looked familiar. I could see the tree we sat by on the hill, and some buildings farther off into the distance. My hair was blowing in the wind, and I had a smile on my face. I wasn't looking at him, but the detail made me remember that moment so clearly.

"Raph, it's so beautiful," I said. "I didn't know you could paint like this."

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, obviously not really sure of what to say. Did anyone know he was this talented?

"You made this for me?"

Raph nodded before taking a deep breath. "I-I made it because when I think about you, I feel something... something different. I feel at peace, kinda. When I made this, I wanted to create something that was special to me. That moment I saw you on that hill, I couldn't stop seeing it in my head."

My heart was racing as he continued. Did he really feel this way? I watched him as he clenched and unclenched his fist, shutting his eyes as he focused on his words.

"I-I-I don't know what it is that you do to me, but I like it. I don't wanna be scared anymore, so I-I guess what I'm tryna say is I want t-to be something.. with you," he choked out. "(Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?"

I didn't think I could not any faster. I gently set aside the painting and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. I felt his arms slowly find their way around my waist and pull me closer into the embrace. He was so nervous that I could feel his heart beating against my own chest.

I would've liked to stay like this forever, but I guess it would have to wait.

A beeping came from his belt suddenly, and he let me go to check his cellphone. It was the first time I had seen it: a shell-shaped device with a large screen. His tech-savvy brother probably made it for them.

I watched as Raph stood up quickly and made his way to the window.

"I'm sorry, but I have to get going. Splinter Junior's wondering where I ran off to." He opened the window and stepped out onto the fire escape, looking back at me once more. He smirked at me and waved goodbye before disappearing into the night.

I turned my back to the window and grabbed the painting once again. To think this is how he saw me, how he thought of me. All of this felt like it was straight out of a movie.

I should've known he was secretly a softy.


Hey, Raphael fans! Long time no see (just kidding because I just updated an hour ago with a Leonardo chapter, so check that out if you haven't)! Anyways, in case y'all didn't get the painting it was during the "Unfamiliar Feelings" chapter, and there's a specific paragraph that I was referencing. But thank you guys so much for reading! Leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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