Accidental Confessions: Leonardo

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Leonardo's POV

I finally came to terms with my feelings for her, so I thought it would be best to set the mood. There was a chance that she could reject my love, but I jus couldn't keep the truth from her any longer.

One evening while visiting her, I asked her to put on her coat and follow me. She did as she was asked, and now I was jumping from one rooftop to the next with (Y/N) in my arms. I could feel her body tense up in fear whenever I'd make a long leap, but I'd always reassure her of her safety by holding her closer to my chest. Hopefully, she didn't feel how fast my heart was beating. I hate how she could make me so flustered without even trying.

With one hand now, I held her as tight as possible as I climbed up a metal ladder towards a higher platform. I could feel her hooking her legs around my waist and tightening her grip on the edge of my plastron as I climbed. Once reaching the top, I carefully set (Y/N) onto her feet and covered her eyes with my hands.

"Leo, what are you doing?" She asked me. I could hear a hint of worry in her voice, but she let out a small laugh either way. I shifted my hands to where only one covered her eyes and the other held her hand to guide her.

"Don't worry. It's only a surprise." I said. Nudging her forward gently, I led her towards the edge of the building. Stopping a few feet from the edge, I stood in front of her to make sure she had the best view.

"Alright, so just stand right here and..." I removed my hand from her eyes and stared at her face for her reaction. Her eyes fluttered open before widening, completely in awe by the sight before her.

I heard a small gasp and watched as she took a small step closer to the edge. Before her was a view of the city at the highest building I could find. The mix of vibrant colors and lights shone brightly and practically reflected off the darkness of the sky, especially at the center of the city. It looked like scenery straight out of a movie.

"It's so beautiful." She murmured.

"Not as beautiful as you."

She snapped her head towards me and stared in utter disbelief, her face flushed pure red.

"W-What?" She stuttered.

My eyes widened a fraction as my brain scrambled for something else to say.

Damnit! I didn't mean to say that!

"I-I mean.. I..." I sighed in defeat and lowered my head. "I was going to wait after we talked a bit up here, but I guess there's no getting out of this."

Sitting down at the edge of the building, I motioned for her to sit with me. After a moment of sitting together in silence, I finally mustered up the courage to speak.

"I don't know how else to tell you, but I feel some sort of way about you. It's something I've never felt before, but that's really the only way I know that I like you and it's real. I know I may not be your typical 'Prince Charming,' but I-" I was interrupted by giggling. I turned to (Y/N) and saw her laughing.

My heart sank.

I knew I shouldn't have said anything. She's laughing because she knows I thought I had a chance!

"You beat me to it!" She said after her small giggling fit.

I stared at her in confusion. "I beat you?"

She nodded her head and smiled at me. "I was hoping to tell you how I felt, but I was scared it would drive you away. I have feelings for you, too."

My heart was racing at that point. Did she really feel the same way for me, or was I just dreaming?

All I could think to do was smile. I expected the worst case scenario, and here I was experiencing the complete opposite.

"Well, I wish this confession came out a little smoother at the beginning, but the ending's good either way."

Intertwining my fingers with hers, I scooted closer to (Y/N) and allowed her to rest her head on my shoulder as we stared out at the city.

"So... you planned an entire speech in your head just to confess?" She asked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Stop it."

"How cute!" She teased.

I chuckled and gently squeezed her hand. "Yeah, yeah."


This isn't really considered an accident, but let's just say his plan to confess was messed up because he accidentally revealed his feelings sooner than he anticipated that night. Anyways, please leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will see you in the next one. Bye!

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