Sneaking Suspicions: Raphael

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Leonardo's POV

I entered the lair as quietly as possible, scanning the room to make sure no one was around to see me coming in so late. I had snuck out again to see (Y/N) again; it started to become a bad habit of mine. I hated going against Master Splinter's wishes, but I couldn't bring myself to not see her. If I could, I'd spend every second with her.

Tonight we stayed in and baked pizzas together. She showed me this really good recipe for margarita pizza, and my entire perception of pizza was changed. I don't think I could ever go back to just pepperoni and cheese. Maybe I'll lie to my brothers and say I tried it when I was traveling next time we order pizza.

Although, I think I need to suggest something else for a date. Most of my suggestions have been food-oriented, and I think I can feel it starting to slow me down.

I felt my phone buzz against my hip, prompting me to slip it out of my belt loop.

'Did you make it home okay?' The text from (Y/N) read.

I smiled, immediately typing back a response. Even through text she was able to make me feel some kind of way. Everything about her just put a smile on my face.

Then, I heard a phone buzzing in the room, but it wasn't mine. I turned towards the direction that it came from, but I couldn't see much in the darkness. Was I caught? What should I say as an excuse?

I slowly crept around the living room couch and looked down where the phone lay, seeing a sleeping Mikey sprawled out on the floor beside it.

I let go of the breath I didn't realize I was holding and lightly kicked his foot a couple times to wake him.

"Mikey," I whispered. "Mikey, wake up."

He woke up startled from his sleep, dazed and confused.

"You fell asleep in the living room again." I said.

"Oh, dude. My back." He groaned in pain as he stood up, placing a hand on the lower back of his shell.

I patted the back of his shell and started guiding him slowly towards the stairs. "Let's get you to bed, big guy."

I walked close behind him as he drug his feet up the stairs, keeping a hand on his shell in case he fell back to sleep mid-step. He was awfully quiet, though.

Usually when he's woken up and half asleep, he starts rambling about whatever dream he's excited to get back to. Last time, he talked about playing PacMan and being so close to beating his high score in his sleep with this "super awesome strategy" that he was going to try to replicate in the morning. He told us at breakfast the next day that he was chased by PacMan and the ghosts when he went back to sleep the night before.

When we made it to his room, I opened the door for him and nudged him gently to walk inside, but he didn't move. He just... stared.

"Mikey," I whispered, nudging him again. Still no response. "Mikey!"

He suddenly started walking again, dragging his feet through the piles of old pizza boxes and comic books on his way to his bed. Mikey jumped into bed, burying his face into a pillow.

"Goodnight, Mikey." I said. Watching as he waved me off, I closed the door and started making my way to my room. I made a mental note to start giving Mikey a bedtime so he'd stop crashing on the couch.

My room was at the end of the hallway, right next to Raph's. When we were younger, we used to communicate through morse code by knocking on the wall that separated our rooms so Master Splinter wouldn't catch us up past curfew. Now, all I ever hear from his side of the wall is the sound of him punching things and angry rock music blaring through his speakers.

As I walked past his bedroom door, I could hear the muffled sound of him laughing and talking to someone.

What the hell?

I stopped in front of his door and waited for a moment, but I couldn't make out his words. He had a piece of paper taped up to the door that read "KEEP OUT! Trespassers will be violated!" Pushing the paper aside, I pressed my ear to the bare door and listened.

"Listen, tonight is just gonna be you and me. We'll hangout, maybe drink a little, y'know, just chill." He said.

Is he talking to Casey?

"Maybe tonight I can show ya a good time."

Definitely not Casey.

I stepped away from the door slowly, failing to see the crumpled soda can behind me. I stepped on it, the sound of cracking aluminum amplified in this silent hallway.


Quick on my feet and as light as a feather, I ran to my bedroom and silently closed the door behind me. I heard him swing open his door before shutting it a moment later. For the rest of the night, I couldn't hear anything from my side of the wall. As much as I wanted to, I knew I couldn't leave my room to go back to find out more. Raph wasn't stupid enough to not be on high alert right now. If I wanted to find out what he was up to, it'd have to be when he least expected it.


Okay, I got super excited to write this next chapter, but it's late for me right now and I know I should be sleeping, so I'm gonna hold off on writing the other two tonight. If y'all see Donnie's and Mikey's updates within the next couple hours, that means I failed at trying to sleep. Anyways, please leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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