Best Friends & Unfamiliar Feelings: Raphael

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Raphael's POV

For some reason, I had a feeling that I shouldn't go busting heads tonight but go visit (Y/N) instead. I showed up at her window unannounced as always, but it was earlier than usual. I peeked inside, but my new friend was nowhere in sight. Was she out singing again? No, her lights were on and her phone was still sitting on her bed, playing music. Where was she?

As if on cue, her bedroom door swung open, and in came (Y/N) sliding into the room with nothing but boy shorts, an oversized button up, and long socks on. She danced in front of her mirror, singing along to the music playing into a hairbrush she used as a microphone.

I smirked, trying to suppress my laughter as I watched her. She could be goofy, but I never thought I'd see this side of her. With the wind picking up and making me cold, I decided to cut the fun short and knock on the window. (Y/N) spun around on her heel and gasped when she saw me, covering herself up with a blanket. She then marched towards the window and slammed it open.

"How long have you been standing there?!"

"About five minutes before you showed up, then I decided to stop ya 'cause I got bored after watching you for two minutes, so about seven minutes total." I said with a smug grin.

She rolled her eyes and walked away from the window towards her dresser, digging around for some clothes to change into. I climbed into the bedroom and set my helmet down on the bed.

"Nice concert, by the way. But if I wanted to see someone perform half naked on a stage, I would've gone to a strip club." I laughed as she threw a pair of socks that I caught with ease. I then watched her leave the room to change. She came back a few minutes later with pajama shorts on paired with a Batman t-shirt, tying her hair into a high ponytail as she sat on the bed.

"What are you doing here, anyways? You don't usually come here all beaten and bruised until around midnight." She said.

I shrugged and smirked. "Thought I could use a day off. Streets were boring anyways. Why? Ya don't want me here?"

"N-No! I mean- I mean I do. It's just- I was just asking."

Her face was practically as red as my mask, but why?

"I'm kiddin'. I know it was just a question."

She stopped rambling and smiled awkwardly. "Good."

I turned to her and saw a certain look in her eye that I'd never seen before. "You good?"

"Huh," she looked at me puzzled. "Oh, yeah. Just a bit stressed."


She shrugged. "A lot of things. My rent for this plate went up, and with my job and all, I could barely afford it to begin with. I'm just scared I'm gonna lose my house, y'know?"

I stared at her for a moment until I got an idea. I ruffled her hair and stood up, grabbing my helmet and patting her leg as I walked away. "C'mon." I beckoned her as I made my way to the window.

"Where are we going?"

I looked back at her and smirked. "A ride." I then put on my helmet and stepped onto the fire escape, taking (Y/N)'s hand and leading her out as well.

. . .

To help protect her identity and ensure her safety, I stole April's old motorcycle helmet for (Y/N). Although the light blue color of the helmet clashed with the black, it was better than nothing. We drove around New York, going through alleyways and backstreets to stay low.

Eventually, buildings were replaced by trees, and we were left alone to drive down an open road. I took a right and drove down a small hidden dirt road that led to a hill. I parked my bike by the side of a large tree and waited for (Y/N) to hop off before I did. I watched her as she walked towards the edge of the hill, completely mesmerized by the view of the city. The sun set off to the side of the mass of skyscrapers, giving the buildings an orange and pink glow. Leaves fell and flew around us in the breeze, and I breathed in the fresh air as I removed my helmet.

"I come here when I need a break sometimes. Thought you could have some use for it, too."

"It's beautiful." She said, sitting down on the grass.

I walked towards her and sat beside her. We stared out at the city in silence, soaking in its rare beauty. It was a different view of the city, something I felt some people needed to see at least once in their lives.

My eyes then wandered elsewhere, landing on something much closer. The wind had caught (Y/N)'s hair, blowing her (H/C) locks out of her face. A small smile was present on her face as she stared at the view before her. She looked different. My heart started pounding as a started to feel a bit weird in my stomach. The longer I stared at her, the stronger these feelings came on. Why were my cheeks growing warm all of a sudden?

I watched her turn to me slowly, her expression suddenly changing to one of concern. "Raph? Are you alright?"

I jerked my head down and nodded. "Yeah."

I could feel her staring for a moment longer before turning back towards the city. We sat in silence for a bit until one of us had to guts to strike up a conversation. We stayed like this until the dark skies fell upon us, and I decided to drive (Y/N) home before it got too late.

My heart jumped when I felt her arms wrap around my shell and waist for support, that weird feeling returning to my stomach as I started up the bike. I tried to ignore it as best I could during the drive home.


Looks like a little hotheaded turtle is in love! Maybe he'll finally realize what these "weird feelings" are and confess. Only time will tell though! Anyways, please leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed this chapter! And I will see you in the next one. Bye!

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