40. A Home Coming Plan

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It was after school in the afternoon and Leandro knocked on Jean's door. She opened the door.

"Hi." She said.

"Hi. Am I disturbing you right now? I need to talk to you about something." Leandro said.

"No. Come in." Jean said.

Leandro smiled and entered happy that she asked him to come inside. She walked after him to the kitchen and sat down.

Leandro sat down opposite her. He took a deep breath.

Jean said "Do you want tea or coffee?"

Leandro said "No. I am fine thank you." Just as he was about to speak, Jacob entered the kitchen and then looked between them. He said "Am I interrupting? I was just going to make omelettes."

Jean said "We will eat dinner soon. Cant you wait?"

Leandro said "Its fine Jacob. You can be present here. Its nothing private." He then turned to jean "He is burning alot of calories with football. Its perfectly fine to want some protein."

Jacob said "I am starting to like you Leandro." He then picked up a frying pan and got on with gathering his ingredients. "Do you want me to make you omelettes Leandro."

Leandro said "No thank you."

Jean put her hands under her chin. "So. What did you want to talk about?"

Leandro sighed "Its about an event that is happening quite soon. A charity home coming that being hosted by one of Rosario hotels."

Jean said "A home coming? I have been to home comings before. Is there a theme?"

Leandro smiled "Yes. Its black and white dress. Black for boys and white for girls. Boys will wear suit with black tie and girls must wear a white dress. Are you interested in attending with me? Everyone must attend as its for charity and as the hosts we must set an example. Everyone also must have a partner."

Jean said "Sure. Why not?"

Leandro smiled.

Jacob turned around and said "Hold on. What do you mean everyone must have a partner? I dont have one. But I dont mind attending if its for charity."

Leandro said "Then you must hurry and find yourself a girl. The home coming is in two weeks"

Jacob said "Dont be ridiculous. Two weeks to find myself a girl and convince her to go out with me? You cant be serious."

Leandro said "I am dead serious. By the way you dont have two weeks actually. You have less time. The invitations come out on Monday and you must RSVP by Thursday."

Jacob said "What if I cant find myself a girl by then?"

Leandro said "You can come alone but the day is full of events with activities where you need to be paired up... If you are single, you will be assigned a girl who is also single."

Jacob said "Really? What if no one is single?"

Leandro said "There are some people I know of who may come single. But they have attitude... So I suggest you find yourself a girl by then. There is not just our school there so you may get paired up with a girl from another school."

Jean said "Really. There are other schools coming to the home coming too?"

Leandro said "Yes. Many partner schools are participating and are donating so many funds. We have sponsors too with competitions and prizes on the day. Its a fun day happening at large scale. I promise you will enjoy it."

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