18. Quarts Crystal

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Leandro was dancing with Jean. He had never thought he ever touch a girl before he was married let alone dance with one. Jean had made him change his principles or rather bend them slightly. He couldnt believe he was dancing with her. Before meeting Jean he never thought of girls. He ridiculed the idea of having a girlfriend. He wanted to wait until he went to college. He wanted to wait until he felt he was mature enough before he brought any girl home to introduce to his parents. But now everything had changed. Jean had a pull about her that he couldnt resist. He had been spending the previous night kneeling next to his bed praying hoping he could lose his feelings if it was not meant to be. He had been praying that if Jean was not going to be the one to become his wife, he should have lost all feelings for her. He preferred to have no feelings for any girl at all until he met the girl he one day wanted to marry. He hadn't lost his feelings the next morning and in fact this dance was not helping him at all. In fact his feelings for her was getting more and more intense.

As the music stopped playing marking it's end, Leandro realised students were staring at them whispering. He gave the a look and they all looked around the room or down

Just then they were interrupted as a call for live music was made outside. Elena and her band were playing. The students around them quickly got excited and left probably grateful with an excuse to leave Leandro presence before getting detentions and push ups for getting on his nerves.

Everyone left quickly and Jean slowly stepped away.

Only Jacob was left. "Flowerpot. Let's go."

Jean was motionless just taking in what had just happened. She just felt her cheeks heating up under his stare. His eyes hadn't left hers. He was looking at her in a way she just felt even more nervous than she ever was before around him. There was intensity in the room. Was she developing a huge crush on him? He was handsome and gentle. She never expected him to dance.

Leandro turned to Jacob "Leave for 5 minutes. I need to talk to your sister privately."

Jacob sighed and didn't protest. He just couldn't fault Leandro. The look in his eyes told Jacob to pack up any protest. He never thought a guy could make him feel like he was interrupting some personal matter in a room in his sisters presence. It was bizzare. But the way Leandro looked at his sister made him feel like he couldn't argue with him in anyway. He said "Fine. Call for me flowerpot if you need me. I will be outside." He then left not hearing any protest from his sister.

As he watched Jacob leave, Leandro turned to look at jean "You... have changed my life."

Jean didn't know what to say. Was it a bad thing or a good thing? He seemed not so pleased. His eyes held sincerity but also seriousness.

Leandro said "Before I met you, I had rules for myself. I had plans. You have changed my path."

Jean wasn't sure what to tell him. Was she meant to say sorry. For some reason she didn't feel the need to. After they had danced she just felt at peace. Leandro was still intimidating and she felt nervous around him as he was huge and masculine but she didn't feel fear. She fancied him but she was not scared. He was just so gentle.

Leandro continued "I never knew a girl could have such power to change my principles. I always used to frown upon boys and girls holding hands. I used to always think it was a sin to look at anyone with affection before I put a ring on their finger and made it official ... in a church. I had discipline. I had patience. I had self restraint. I had plans. But you changed it all."

Jean just was finding it hard to speak. What could she say to his speech. Jean bit her lip "I am sorry..." She didn't know what else to say.

Leandro said "I don't want an apology jean. I want to know... Do you have any idea how much you mean to me? You probably don't. You mean enough to me that I ... have changed my plans... My faith is important to me... You have made me change my beliefs."

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