11. Escalation

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Jacob was looking at Leandro who was intently looking at the list he had just written up.

Leandro said "Is that all of them?"

Jacob said "Yes. The town is quite small. You want their names. I give you their names. But there is no point going after them. Jean didn't like boys. She never noticed anyone."

Leandro said "That's not the point."

Jacob sighed "Then what is?"

Leandro said "Don't question me. I am your captain and your dean."

Jacob nodded "I know you are the dean. But why are you also my captain. Leo said you are not a fan of team sports. You box. So why are you training the football team? Why the change of interest?"

Leandro said "It's good to see you are researching my interests. You will need to know what I like or dislike. You are smart not just academically."

Jacob said "Can you answer my question? I am curious. Why not just leave the football team to Leo? Do you not trust him? Why do you do something you don't like?"

Leandro said "I like winning. I don't like losing. That's all the information you need. But if you want to know why I am suddenly overseeing team sports it's not because I don't trust Leo. I do... Rivalries matter too. We have a reputation." He then walked away.

Jacob sighed as he watched Leandro walk a few steps ahead of him with his group of friends. It was after practice and they just had dressed up to go to breakfast together.

As he was walking, he found Leo catching up to him "I can't believe he gave you no laps for being late. He said you had an authorised absence. You are lucky."

Jacob said "I was happy to give myself extra laps. But I didn't want to be late. Flower pot is waiting for me in the cafeteria."

Leo said "Of course. Queen Jean."

Jacob said "Don't call her that."

Leo said "I forgot you are not in our circle... Leandro made it clear to us she is treated like a queen or we die. So I just call her by the title that matches her."

Jacob said "Hold on. He didn't say he will tell people he likes my sister."

Leo said "We are not people. We are his soldiers. All students at this school live to serve Leandro. He is the dean. The message spreads fast. Our football team all are heads of houses and have already spread the message. Well. They don't know he fancies her. I only do because my mother told me. She announced it this morning before we left for our morning run and Leandro nearly went mental on me for questioning him about it. He has given your sister immunity and the kids here can pretend they don't know he would not give immunity to a girl unless she grabs his attention. They try to keep their head down. So no one admits it. But they know to keep away from your sister if they want to live."

Jacob said "They better not freak her out. Flower pot doesnt like attention."

Leo chuckled "I told you. People would not dare. Leandro has made examples of many people in the past."

Jacob said "Your brother baffles me. He acts so strangely. Things that don't seem to matter, are important to him. He also doesn't explain his decisions. I know he is the dean. But I only asked him a simple question and he didn't give me a straight answer."

Leo said "Is that all that he did? You don't question the dean. He questions you. If he wishes you to know he will tell you himself. Don't push him. Normally if anyone questions him he points out the answer with a fist to the person who's asking. He is a boxer. I know his passion for boxing. Our grandpa apparently used to be a cage fighting boxer in his teens. He looks upto grandpa Francesco. Nicandro, our cousin likes sword fighting like grandpa O'Neil is Leandro's main rival. Both of them like individual sports. But they make exception for football because our schools are arch enemies in football."

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