17. The Teenage Thoughts 1990s

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Jean watched in disbelief as she witnessed how the situation was dissolved as quickly as it has escalated.

Leandro told Leo to get the kid out of his sight and the look he gave the bystanders made them run for their lives before he ordered them to leave and mind their own business. He stated there was nothing to see there to no one in particular. That was the power he had. People knew what he demanded of them before he even said it. When he gave them a hostile look they knew he didn't want company. He didn't even need to say it.

Only Jacob and jean were left.

Jacob was watching Leo dragging the kid away while giving him ultimatums. He was also muttering to himself" You gave me a scare there, I thought you were going to kill him."

Leandro had his stare on Leo and his movements as he was dragging away his prey and was also glancing at jean.

He turned to Jacob "Tell Leo I need to see him. Tell him to come to my office."

Jean then watched how Leandro's expression softened as he turned to her and addressed her "Jean... I will talk to you later." He then turned around and walked away without another word.

Jacob gave out a breath he was holding as he turned to his sister "Flower pot. I will get you another drink. Go sit on the bench over there and wait. Ok."

He then walked to the store just around the corner. He walked in and ordered "Two bottles of soda please."

The boy who was at the stall said "I give you 4. On the house."

Jacob said "Why?"

The boy said " Actually you will get free soda for life from us."

Jacob said "Huh? Hold on. I don't want free drinks."

The boy paled and spoke quickly " We are sorry if we made you feel offended. It's the least we can offer after the inconvenience caused."

Jacob shook his head " Why are you giving me free soda? I can't accept." He then tried to leave but the boy came out from behind the counter and said "Please. Take the soda for free."

Jacob didn't understand. He could see the boy was distressed. "Alright. I take the soda bottles." He then took the four feeling strange. He was tempted to leave the money behind but the "thank you and god bless you" he heard stopped him. He was getting special treatment because of Leandro. No one wanted to bother him.

Just then Leo appeared in front of him. "Hey. Jean said you came to get soda. Where is Leandro? I thought he was with you."

Jacob said "Here you go. Take some soda. Will you? The boy gave me 4 bottles for free. I don't accept charity. Can you speak to them and tell them not to treat jean and I different? I know it's something to do with Leandro. It has to."

Leo took a bottle and said "Don't worry. Roan is Reece's brother. The kid who spilt the soda was Reece. He is pretty clumsy but he is smart and academic. Roan is also smart but mostly in business. The drinks stall is his business idea ran by volunteers including himself. All profits go to fund his college fund and the college fund of anyone who volunteers in their free periods. Don't worry. They all will get scholarships if they keep up their grades and agree to work for my father when they graduate since they are background checked through their past five generations. Don't feel guilty taking his soda. The stall makes good money. He doesn't charge me and Leandro money either."

Jacob said " Flower pot and I just arrived."

Leo shrugged "I know. Tell me about it. My brother has never reacted like this in his life... Only because of your sister he acted the way he did... it's crazy..."

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