16. Only Her

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Jean's heart was racing as she was taking in his words and what it meant.

Jacob appeared in front of jean just then "Leandro. Let go of her arms. Why are you holding her like this?"

As the first aiders started tending to the injured boy on the ground, Leandro let go of her arms.

Jean was not prepared to face Leandro. She stood there holding her hands on her cheeks thinking of the situation. She whispered "Give me a moment please." She then took one step away keeping her distance.

Leandro was about to walk around her to talk to her face to face but Jacob stood in front of him hitting his chest "Don't hold my sister like that again. If she bruises, I will bruise you in the same spot."

Leandro said "I didn't hurt her. I would never. Now I suggest you think twice before your next move." He then pushed him away as he took a step to jean.

Jacob put his hand on Leandro's shoulder " Didn't you hear Flower pot? She needs a moment. Give her some space."

Leandro said to Jacob "Of course she needs space from you Jacob. She was fine until you showed up."

Jacob said "Excuse me? She is my sister. But you ... are from another planet, my friend. Give her space to breathe."

Leandro was getting tired of Jacob interfering. He said "Jacob. This has nothing to do with you."

Jacob said "Just because you are honourable with a good reputation and you seem to have a book on having honour I am giving you the benefit of the doubt. Let my sister breathe when she asks you to." He then turned to jean "Flower pot. Do you want to go outside for a minute. It's too crowded here."

Jean turned around not looking at Leandro "Yes. Ok." She felt like a coward walking away from the situation but she didn't know what to do or say. What could she say to that? He didn't want her to touch others and he was even willing to ... kill them. She shivered at that as she walked alongside Jacob leaving the arena. She decided to look back and see if Leandro was following them and he could not be seen.

Leandro was watching them from far and had every intention to talk to her. He saw the siblings leave the building and followed them to a bench where they sat in front of the woodland area. He watched over her and waited. They siblings didn't say much. Jacob obviously cared. He put everything down for her and just tended to her.

Jacob cleared his throat "Flowerpot. Are you alright?"

Jean said "I am fine. Thanks Jacob."

Jacob said "Do you want to go home?"

Jean turned to him "Home? This is school time Jacob. It's not home time yet."

Jacob said "I don't mean the dorms. I mean home. Hale. Michigan."

Jean shook her head "Jacob. We won't be allowed to go home."

Jacob said "We can take time off."

Jean said "We can go back for thanksgiving. For vacation only like everyone else."

Jacob said "Flower pot. Do you want to tell me what happened back there? Why was he holding you like that?"

Jean hesitated and then said "He was jealous."

Jacob asked "Of what?"

Jean said "Because I offered to help those boys. He got jealous."

Jacob said " He can't get jealous. You are not even officially his girlfriend. Are you sure that's all there is? He is just jealous?"

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