Chapter 21- Graduation Day.

Depuis le début

"No" I said shaking my head. "I don't look at anyone else but you"

He smiled down at me and pecked my lips. "What time do we have to be at school?" Jace whispered in my ear.

"The school want us there at 2 so we have time to get ready and work out who goes where and stuff" I said.

"So we have some time" Jace said smirking. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Oh no mister" I said shaking my head. "Not until my baby fat is gone"

He started laughing and when he saw I was serious he stopped laughing. "Wait your serious?"

"Yes" I said.

"Did you just reject me?" Jace asked shocked.

"Yes you got rejected for once, suck it up cheeseball" I said laughing.

"Oh come on, so you have some baby fat who cares"

"I care" I said. "Not to mention we have three babies to take care off"

"Fine" Jace huffed pouting.

"Aw is the bad boy pouting" I said in a girly voice. "Oh and he's blushing" I said teasing him.

"Am not" He said quickly.

"Aw Jacey" I said titling my head to the side.

He didn't say anything just looked at me before smiling. "So I blush, so what I'm human sue me" he said. "Why would I blush and pout, I'm being teased by the most beautiful girl in the world"

I giggled a little and felt my cheeks heat up. "Now who's blushing" Jace smirked.

"So I blush, so what I'm human sue me" I said mimicking his words.


"Cheeseball" I said back.

"Blusher" he said not breaking eye contact.

"Pouter" I smirked.

"You win" Jace said hugging me. "So what are we wearing today then?"

"I'm wearing a dress" I said.

"Ooh, which one?" Jace asked curiously.

"I don't know yet" I said.

"Well we have two hours until we're needed at school, so what do you want to do?" Jace asked.

"Well I have to do my hair and makeup, we need to make up some bottles of milk for them and we both need to shower and eat" I said.

"Okay, you go shower and I'll make the milk" Jace said.

"Okay, make sure you keep an eye on them" I warned him before running upstairs.

I decided to shower first before I got dressed, so I took a towel into the bathroom since we hadn't out fresh ones in there and jumped in the shower. Taking a fairly quick one, well if you call ten minutes quick then I got out. I left my hair down in its natural curls and quickly grabbed my makeup. I convinced Jace to let me wear it for special occasions, and this was one.

I applied foundation and powder and put green eyeshadow on my eyes, I decided to go with green eye shadow since my eyes were green. I applied eyeliner on the bottom of my lids and then on the top, along with mascara and I topped it off with some blush. Once I was satisfied with how I looked I went to the wardrobe to pick a dress, instantly my eyes went to my black dress. It had long black sleeves and went up to my neck, so all my chest was covered but it went down mid thigh and hugged my curves perfectly. Most of my baby fat was gone since I had been working out, but there was still a little bit of baby fat that hadn't gone. I still couldn't wear heels so I decided to wear my black converse with it, hey it's not a bad look actually.

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