Chapter 3-Ditching With The Bad Boy.

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The Bad Boy Has Secrets-

Chapter Three-Ditching With The Bad Boy.

"Seriously Mason shut up" I said holding my head. This boy gives me a headache, literally.

"But it's good to talk, it burns calories by talking, did you know that? I bet you didn't know that. Yeah you could burn loads of calories if you talked more" Mason said bouncing about. As soon as he mentioned about me burning calories mine, Liv's and Cleo's heads snapped towards him.

I narrowed my eyes in his direction and growled. "Are you saying I'm fat?" I asked shocked. As soon as he saw my face he tried to reason his way out or it.

"No, your just well-" he trailed off

"Fat?" I asked standing up

"Yeah kinda" He laughed.

"Listen here, and listen good call me fat one more time I will hunt you down and burn you, now shut your trap and run along okay? If I catch you in this room again I'm going to cut your tongue out" I smiled ruffling his hair. "Bye Mason" I said as I sat back down on Cleo's bed.

Mason took of faster than I've ever seen him take off before. I pulled out my cigarettes and a lighter from my pocket and lit it up taking a long drag. I looked at Liv and Cleo too see them staring at me. I blew out the smoke. "What?" I asked innocently.

"1. Your not meant to be smoking in my room and 2. Charlie you can't tell a nine year old your going to burn them and cut their tongue out" Cleo said disapprovingly.

I shrugged at her statement and took another drag before blowing it into the air again. "He wasn't shutting up, I did us all a favour"

Cleo shook her head at me and let a little laugh slip. "C'mon you can't tell her off now that you let that laugh slip up" Liv said chuckling. "So what we watching tonight then girls?" Liv asked looking between me and Cleo.

"Hmmm how about All The Boys Love Mandy Lane?" I suggested. With a quick nod from Liv and Cleo, Cleo popped it into the DVD player as we all led down in the bed. Since Cleo had a big bed we all managed to fit in her bed, that way nobody had to sleep on the floor.

Liv was the first one to fall asleep and then shortly after Cleo had, and then somewhere between someone dying and the end of the movie I fell asleep.


My parents had just returned from there three week trip to Spain, leaving me to defend on my own. They'd only just returned and were already talking about the next trip. I could hear them talking, only instead of being the eleven year old that I was when this happened, I was my usual 17 year old self. "Mum. Dad" I said as I walk into the kitchen where they were. "Can I come on your next trip?" I asked excitedly. I had never been anywhere, I was never really allowed out of the house. "Can we get some food too? I ran out while you were away so I had to steal food from the shop" I said

"You stole from the shop? You risked getting caught and getting me and your father into trouble for not being here!" My mother shouted before slapping me around the face.

"I'm sorry" I begged "I didn't know what to do, I was hungry" I sobbed.

"You should have gone hungry!" My mum yelled again before smacking my, only this time harder than the last. After some more slaps and punches from my mum, I was dragged by my hair to the table.

In front of me waited a big bucket of water. "Mum what are you doing?" I asked kicking my legs to put some space between me and the bucket of water. "No stop! Please please don't do this!" I yelled, panic set in and I kicked and punched to try get away accidentally hitting my mum in the nose.

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