"I'm moving back to Asia." He says softly, loud enough so I can hear.

"Hayden please, don't do this

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"Hayden please, don't do this." I shut my eyes tight, and feel his hand caress my arm.

"You deserve someone who can make you happy without all the-"

"You make me happy." I say, but he only sighs. He kisses my forehead before looking down at me.

"I could never stop loving you." He smiles, kissing me deeply.

My phone starts ringing, but I knew it was mom. I mute it, and kiss him back, pulling him close, knowing it was the last time I could.

. . .

Hayden pulls up a few blocks away from school. He gives me a morose look.

"Are you sure you don't want me to pull up closer? It's a really lonely road."

"When are you leaving?" I ask, dreading the answer

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"When are you leaving?" I ask, dreading the answer.

"My flight's tomorrow night."

My heart sinks, it seemed to only do that now days.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath. I look at the time — 4:16. Mom was gonna kill me, but I couldn't care less at this point.

"Hayden...thank you." I say, unable to look at him.

"It's just a ride."

"No, thank you. For everything."

Before he could say anything else, I leave the car, shutting it behind me. I try to stop crying but it doesn't work.

I start walking, willing myself not to look back

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I start walking, willing myself not to look back. I hear his Jeep zoom off, and turn around to see the car disappear around the bend.

I slow to a stop, sighing deeply, feeling all the energy I had leave my body.

I hear shuffling behind me, and turn to see who it was from the corner of my eye, its a guy. I start walking again, feeling uneasy, my heart starting to race. The school was still ten minutes away.

He starts catcalling me, and I speed up to a jog.

"Where you going, baby?" He slurs.

I let out a scream when he starts running after me.

"No, please dont! Please!" I cry when he catches me by my bag and pulls me back.

"Shut up." He holds my wrists, pushing me against the wall.

"Just take whatever you want and leave me alone!" I push him away, but immediately regret it. He hits me across the face, and takes out the knife.

Clutching my stomach, I let out a painful cry. 

"Shit!" I hear him say, before he grabs whatever he could and runs away.

I lie on the ground, gasping through the pain as I watch the blood spread across the pavement. I reach into my pocket, praying he didn't take my phone.

I unlock the screen, dialling my mom's number.

"Zoey, I swear to God, this is the last time you- Zoey?"

"Mom help, someone stabbed me, i don't know what to do, there's a lot of blood, I-" I choke through the sobs, my mouth started to go dry.

"This isn't funny Zoey! Where are you?!"

"Brook Street. Mom please-"

"I'm coming, don't move. Oh my god-" she hangs up, and I try to sit up. I tell myself not to close my eyes as I continue to press the wound. I begin to panic when the bleeding seems to get worse. I feel myself get light headed.

All I saw was red, and then it all turned black.

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