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Truitt and I sat on my bed, watching a series of 'Top 10 Worst Auditions on America's Got Talent' videos, laughing half the time, and making out the rest.

It was the Sunday before we went back to school. Senior year. Back to Truitt spending most of his time on the field, and me, spending most of my time waiting for him. Back to teachers who hated their jobs. Back to fake pubescent users, waiting for their opportunity to pounce.

"I can't wait for tomorrow. We start training for the big game in November."

People laughed at how different we were. He was the lacrosse king, and I kept myself as far away from his world as I could.

"Yeah.." I say, trying to sound as excited as possible.

"Baby, this semester's gonna be different. I promise." He kisses my temple, and I lean into him.

"Zoey, I need help with something." Hayden smiles from my door, and I remove myself from Truitt's side, despite his groan.

"I gotta head home, anyway." He kisses me goodbye, and I follow him to the front door.

. . .

"What's up?" I hope into the garage, pulling up my sleeves due to the sudden change in temperature.

"Your dad's not home, and I needed some help with my car."

"This couldn't wait?" I say, picking up a hammer from his toolbox.

"I have a date tonight, and I'm supposed to pick her up."

I purse my lips at the information.

"A date, huh?" I wiggle my eyebrows, and he chuckles, wiping a string of sweat from his forehead.

"Pass me the engine oil, could you?" He opens up the hood, and I pass him the greasy bottle. I take my jacket off, not wanting to get grease on it.

He glances at my rather low top, and I adjust it self consciously.

"So, who is she?" I lean on the car, watching him work.

"Just some girl I met at the bar last Saturday."

"What's her name?"

"What's with all the questions, missy?" He chuckles, swinging the cloth over his bare shoulder.

"I'm just curious." I scoff.

"Pass me the 22 millimeter socket spanner."

"The what?"

He laughs, pointing to the table.

"The bar thing with the round hole at the end. Pass me the one that reads 22."

I walk over to the table, looking for whatever it was.

"You really suck at explaining shit."

I hand him the tool, and he sends me a wink.

I draw patterns through the dust on the surface, my lip turning up at the dirt on my finger.

"You're washing your car before this date, right?"

"Shut up and help me with this. Spin until it's the tightest it can be." I do as he asks, realising it took muscle, which I barely had.

"Why didn't you ask Truitt to do this?" I strain.

"Because I'd rather have you help me."

My stomach does a thing, but I shake it off.

"There. I think it's right enough." I sigh, putting my hair up into a ponytail.

He smiles at my face.


"You've got a little...mono action going on." He gestures to his eyebrows, and I look at my reflection in a side view mirror.

I had given myself a mono-brow from the grease. I begin laughing, and I push him playfully.

He pushes me back with his hip, and I wipe some grease on his face.

"You're gonna wish you didn't do that."

"I'm sorry, who won the food fight we had?" I wink, getting ready to run.

"Oh, so funny." He mocks a laugh, before twisting his towel.

"What are you-"

"Pachow!" He whips his towel, hitting my arm.

"Ow! Get away from me!" I laugh hysterically, running circles around his car.

He suddenly grabs me from behind, and I wiggle out of his strong hold.

We are both out of breath from running and laughing, covered in a sheen of sweat and car grease.

"Time to test this baby out." He smirks, getting into the car.

"Wanna do the honours?" He smiles warmly, and I nod.

"Why, of course."

I put my foot on the break, and we both take a deep breath and cross our fingers. I turn the key, and the engine roars to life.

"Yes!" We cheer, smiling at each other.

And we stay there, our smiles slowly fading away, eyes roaming to our lips. This was dangerous territory. But I was in, and I didn't know how to get out.

Our faces were inches away, I could feel his breath stick to my heated cheeks.

The garage door begins to open, pulling us out of the trance we were in.

He clears his throat, moving away from me quickly and leaving the car. I take a moment to learn how to breathe again, trying to wrap my mind around what just happened, or what could've happened.

What keeps happening.

My dad pulls up beside Hayden's Jeep, and I get out as well.

"Hey kiddo, what happened to you?" He laughs.

"She helped me bring my baby back to life." Hayden says, shutting the hood.

"Very nice, you look like absolute shit, my friend." He pats Hayden's shoulder, and they both walk back into the house.

I stood there, heart beating through my fucking ears. I felt guilty.. not because of what almost happened, but because I felt the slightest bit of regret of what didn't happen.

What was happening to me?

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