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Even the sound of the radio couldn't block out the silence in the car as mom and I drove to the Sunday market.

"Mom.." I try, turning the radio down.

"I know things have been a little weird between us lately..after that whole thing about me sleeping ove-"

"I'm over that, Zoey." She keeps her eyes on the road, barely showing any expression on her face as she spoke.

"Okay, well we never really resolved anything.." I stop when I hear her sigh.

"I said I'm over it. Don't start anything."

My eyebrows furrow at her harsh tone.

"I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just trying to talk to you. Remember when we used to do that, mom?" I say, the sarcasm spilling out of my mouth before I could help it. She scoffs, shaking her head.

"Yes. I do, Zoey. Do you?" She hisses, pulling into an empty parking space abruptly, my shoulder hits the door slightly as she turns. My heart sinks as guilt fills me to the brim. Everything that's happened..she knows nothing. But how could I possibly tell her? Where would I even fucking start?

"Mom, I'm sorry-"

"Hurry up before everything sells out." She rolls her glassy hazel eyes and shuts the door before I even have the chance to say anything else, and I swallow down the lump in my throat.

. . .

"It was awful. It's never been like this between us, Kate." I shake my head, resting the phone on my belly as I stare up at my ceiling.

"Why is she so angry, again?"

I panic a little bit, sitting up straight.

"Um...I told her I was staying at your place when I wasn't.." I drink some water to clear my dry throat.

"Where were you?"

"I...I can't tell you." I roll my eyes at myself, hearing her end go silent.

"What do you mean?" She scoffs silently, and I can imagine her face.

"I'm sorry, Katie. It's..complicated-"

"Right. Okay."

"Don't be mad," I sigh, taking my fingers through my hair.

"You've been weird, Zoe. You're never around, and when you are you're always secretly texting someone, oh wait, you're cousin, was it?" She says sarcastically.

"Just tell me who he is."

"I can't. Please, just respect that, okay?"

"Yeah. Whatever. I gotta go." She says, cutting the call before I could say bye.

I groan, tossing my phone aside, flinching as it bounces off the bed and onto the hard wooden floor. I hear a sharp thud, staring at my newly cracked screen with no emotion, before tears invade my eyes, and I'm sent into an emotional fit.

. . .

"You okay? You seem a little...dazed." Hayden chuckles, looking over at me from across the kitchen island. He has a hand cloth thrown over his shoulder as he mixes up pancake batter.

"I'm fine. It's just been a tough day." I say quietly, picking at my nail.

"Talk to me." He says, setting the batter down and opening up the bacon.

"It's nothing.."

He shoots me a knowing look, waiting for me to continue.

"It's just...everything would be so much easier without all the secrets."

"Are you sure about that?" He raises a brow, the corner of his mouth turning up slightly.

"Mom isn't talking to me, Katie's mad at me, everything's getting so complicated, Hay! I don't know what to do, I either shut up and take it, or tell them and deal with that shit, I'm going cra-"

"Hey, hey, look at me," he walks over to me, taking my face in his hands, looking into my eyes.

"Deep breaths," he says in a low tone, and I take a breath.

"Deeper." He smiles, and I return it, breathing in again.

"Everything's gonna be okay. If you wanna tell them, I'll be right beside you. Okay?" He kisses my forehead, and I immediately feel the emptiness when he moves back to the stove.

"You mean that?" I ask, hopping onto my feet and walking over to him.

"Wouldn't say it if I didn't." He says, dropping the bacon in the pan.

I hug his side, and he wraps his arm around me.

"I love you." I say, my mouth watering from the smell of food.

"Go get cleaned up, dinner's almost ready." He smiles, and I reach up to kiss his cheek.

"Still don't know why you wanted breakfast for dinner, but okay." I giggle, jumping when he slaps my butt on my way out.

As I let the warm water pool down my back, the questions race through my mind.

What's gonna happen when they find out? Do I even want them to find out yet? 

Things are going to change. I just don't know if I'm ready for change yet. But maybe I have to be..

. . .

Guys! I can't believe we're almost at 8k reads!! Hope you enjoyed, I always love reading your comments, so many of them make me laugh, and reading what you guys think might happen is always so fun! Thanks for all the support <3 

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