Chapter 59

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"ASMAA!" I screamed, not carring if Page's crew was near by and heard me.
The water was to my waist at this point so running to them was hard without letting the current drag me away.
Asmaa. Asmaa. Asmaa. I kept saying as if me repeating her name would would aleviate my biggest fear.
I was the first to reach them, they lay there motionless. I shook my head as everyone else caught up l but stood a few feet back.
Tiny was the first to speak,"Are they..."
I didn't answer.
"Did you check there pulse?" Nicole asked.
I shook my head, I'm scared to.
Nicole walked past meand bent down but didn't even check there pulse.
"FUCK YOU TIFFANY! You dumbass they're alive and breathing!"
I started laughing as happy tears filled my eyes.
All the other girls started laughing.
"So they're okay?"
"They're unconscious but alive."
"So what now?"
"We carry them I guess..."
"Or we could take a break." Tiny offered.
Murmurs of agreement followed tthroughout the group."Okay."
I sat under this large rock that had a cave in. In a way it looked like a mini cave.
Everyone else was either washing the mud off drinking some of the water of sitting by Asmaa and Eva trying to wake them up.
I layed down on my back deciding I could go for a nap.
I woke up a few hours later to the sound of a car. It was almost dark outside you could barely see anything. I looked around and most of the girls had come to join me inside my rock.
Shaking Natalie awake I told her that I heard a car and to quietly wake everyone up.
I looked around and noticed we were missing Tiny.
"Where's Tiny?"I whispered.
"Probably laying with Asmaa and Eva."
"Shit." I cant think of a reason for a car to stop here, unless it's Page looking for us.
I crawled over to where Asmaa and Eva were laying earlier today.
When I saw a small figure dragging a body in my direction.
"Tiny?" I whispered.
"I have Eva."
I helped her drag Eva over to the cave and quickly got to Asmaa when a beam of light shot through the trees.

"I dont think they would of gotten this far."I heard a man's voice.
"It won't hurt to check." my blood ran cold to the sound of Page's voice.
We have to hurry.
I hooked my arms under Asmaa's shoulders while Tiny grabbed her legs.
We made run for it, I moved as fast as I could towards my cave.
When, snap I stepped on a twig.
"I heard something over there." the man said shining his light close to our direction.
"Convenient." I mentally puffed.
Eager to keep moving Tiny kept walking. Finally we made it to our "cave."
It was small and shallow, it barely hid all of us. In fact I wasn't hidden at all, if Page came around the bend I would be spotted.
The lights got closer.
"Our foot prints." Tiny whispered.
I held my breath mentally praying to God."Please don't let them find us."
When I remembered Page was working for a Christian organization.
Fuck God, we were in this mess because of him. These people were hurting us in the bame of him.

"We should've gotten rid of them when we had the chance. "Why didn't you drown them like we did the other two?" a man's deep voice complained.
"Because Arsama told us there was a park ranger in that area!" Page retorted.
Arsama? Another one of the counsellors?
"Okay then why didn't you shoot them?"
"That would of caused too much attention. Shooting the one girl was a risk but we had to make an example." Page's voice was getting closer.
An example? That's all Devin was? They took her life for a fucking example?
Anger surged through me, my hand went to the gun in my waist band.
Taking it out, I checked it to see if it was loaded when I felt someone's hand grab my arm and travel down to my hand. Once it touched the cold metal of the gun I heard Tiny gasp and retreat her hand.
"I heard something!" Page announced. Her flash light was shining inches away from where we were.
"Page theres nothing here c'mon."
Hesitating, Page moved the direction of the light around more. Luckily away from us.
Sighing she walked back to the car.

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