Chapter 9

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Luckily for us, there was still some food left, and it was DELICIOUS. I honestly am considering living here simply because the food here is better than the food at my school and house. We had blueb, , , and .

Head Counselor Dean stepped up to the podium, "Campers, after you finish your breakfast, dump your tray and head over to one of these tables. You will be registering for classes. And here is my handsome husband to tell you all your options," He said, gesturing to Josh Higgins.

"Hey, campers, how's your breakfast?" Many whoops and cheers erupted throughout the crowd.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. This summer, we have a variety of classes for you all to pick. One choice is a Makeup class. This class is especially meant for our beautiful ladies that have just transitioned and want to learn how to apply makeup. At the end of camp, you will receive a makeup kit, because I know some parents might refuse to pay for makeup and we want to support you. Also, for any of my girls who have lots of experience with makeup, you can volunteer to help, that would be much appreciated."

Mia immediately sat up and grinned when Josh mentioned doing makeup. My heart jumped up in joy, happy for her. Happy that she was getting the support she needed.

"Our other class is mandatory, it is sex education for all of you. Depending on your sexuality, you will be learning about how to have safe sex. Many schools don't provide this information, which is important. If you feel extremely uncomfortable about taking this class, feel free to approach me and we can work something out."

I had sex Ed my freshman year in high school, and the whole time I was thinking, "What about the people that aren't sexually attracted to the opposite sex? How do they protect themselves?"

Josh continued, "You will also have a free hour before lunch. You may go into our gift shop and buy pride wear! All of you are allowed one free item today. Also, for my trans people. We have another shop next to the gift shop where you can get free clothes that matches the gender you identify as!"

I honestly am beginning to love this camp more and more, whoever came up with this camp is a GENIUS!

"Also, for our trans boys, we do have some classes, specifically one where you learn how to do binding SAFELY."

I saw a huge smile appear of Isreal, the trans boy from yesterday.

"We also have some psychology classes for our lesbians, on how to attract women. And another class like that but for men. On the Internet, there is so much information on how to attract the opposite gender. But things are a little different if you happen to be homosexual. It is very hard to find information on how to attract a girl if you're a girl. Same story for our gays."

"Another thing we have is Music. Many people of the LGBTQ+ community feel as though they are under-represented by music. It's harder to find music that relates to our love lives. This class will teach you how to write songs, make background music and more. I can't wait to hear your guys' songs!" He winked.

"Art is another class we offer here. I bet many of you like to express yourselves. Art in is an excellent way to do it.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention, downstairs, we have a library. Unlike most libraries, this library is full of characters that you can relate to.

"In addition, we also have a YOUTUBE club, where you guys can post videos on our YouTube channel.

"This one is probably my favorite, but we have a class where you get to design clothes. Specifically LGBTQ+ pride clothing. We'll have a contest towards the end of camp where everyone votes on a design. The winning design will be sold at all Hot Topic stores and the designer gets 20% of the profits, and our whole camp gets that one clothing item for free!

"Next Friday, there is a pride parade that we will be in. I need some campers to design and make posters! We also have a cooking class, you get to learn all kinds of stuff and the best part is you get extra food!"

"Yes!" Riley pumped her fists in the air.

"We also have three different classes where you study the holy book of your religion. Specifically Muslims, Christians, Catholics and Jews. We have four specialists who have been studying the books and have found some things that show homosexuality and being transgender are not sins.

I've already forgotten the rest, so enjoy the rest of your breakfast. If you have any more camp class ideas, feel free to approach me and I'll work it out. And don't don't forget to sign up!"

If YOU, yes, you, have any camp club ideas for camp feel free to message me, or comment below on your idea!

IMPORTANT!!!!!!! ⬇

Oh, BTW for those of you LGBTQ kids who are also Jewish and Christian, or Muslim. If you feel like you are disobeying God, questioning your faith, or feel wrong and dirty for loving who you love or being who you are. There are these amazing sites that accurately and thoroughly comb through scripture and its MANY mistranslations. It validates your orientation and basically lets you know THAT YOU ARE NOT PISSING OFF GOD.



Trans Jewish:


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