Chapter 44

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"Absolutely nothing!"

We all turned around to see a sunburnt Page scowling down at us with her arms crossed.

We all stayed silent, "You girls aren't going to do anything about Agatha." she lowered her voice taking a seat inbetween Asmaa and Nicole.

"But you guys are definitely right." She leaned in, her voice barely above a whisper.

"But if we're right, then we can't just sit back and do nothing." Nicole scouled.

"Yes, yes you can and you're going to." Page's voice became stern again.

The counselors are already suspicious of Agatha. Especially Dean. But we're not allowed to tell anyone. So please don't talk to anyone else about this, or they'll think I told you. Please don't tell anyone," she pleaded," I don't want to get in trouble. Or lose Dean's trust."

We all silently nodded in agreement.

She smiled at us gratefully," Thank you, the counselors are on it. Plus if you get in trouble or caught you'll get kicked out or the whole camp will."

"But don't we want to leave? Wouldn't we want to not be with her?" Tiny rose her eyebrows.

"Dean paid a lot of money for us to be here, we won't get a refund. Plus what we need is EVIDENCE. Let the counselors handle this, okay girls?"

"Okay," we all said in usion. Except Tiny, her eyes were slightly narowed in a cute way.

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. You understand, right Aurora?"

Before Tiny could respond, Agatha's rough cackling voice came onto the speakers," Brreakfast is over,"she said quickly," If you belong to Puma, Fox, orrr Volf cabin, go up to your rrooms yourr chaperrrones vill meet you zerrre. If you arre not part of zose cabins make sure you know when yourr leaving to go shopping. I suggest you ask you counselors. And don't do something I vouldn't aprrrove of."She sneered.

Getting out of my seat I made eye contact with her, but instead of looking away like last time, this time I glared right back at her.

"We're not listening to Page, right?" I asked the group as we left the room.

"Nope." Tiny gave me a cute mischievious smile.

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