Chapter 43

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"Do you think they know who started the fire?"

"COUNT OLAF!" Tiffany loudly declared.

We all laugh at the reference and started talking about the book when Asmaa asked again. "But seriously guys do you think they know?"

"No, otherwise they would tell us." Riley shook her head and frowned."Who on earth would benefit from-" Riley and Brittney both looked at each other.


They didn't answer,they just kept looking at each other with their eyes wide and mouths open.

"Teeelllllll uuusssssss!" Eva wined, pulling on Brittney's arm.

Riley looked around,as if someone would pop out of no where with a gun and shoot everyone. Not that it's uncommon or anything.

"Guys who benefits from our burned camp?"

"I don't know, homophobes?" Asmaa shrugged.

"Well...yeah. But who PROFITS from our burned camp?"

We all just stood there looking at the twins, with blank faces.

"Whose.Getting.Paid.Lots.Of.Money?" Riley broke it down.

Still nothing.

Brittney rolled her eyes, "Agatha,honestly if you guys were any slower."

All of our eyes webt wide.

"No...that can't be." Tiny shook her head in denial.

"...Dean DID pay for us to be here." Mia furrowed her eyebrows.

"...Agatha DID say that he had to pay double..." Tiffany added.

"But guys" Tiny butted in," Agatha's paying for all our clothes."

"Probably with the double money Dean gave her."I glanced at her.

"Yeah but if she's really all for the money she wouldn't spend a dime on us."

"The longer we stay the more money she gets. Maybe today is to just make us stay longer."

"I don't know..." Tiny still seemed doubtful.

"She did say she didn't like us."

"And that she would jump at the first chance to get rid of us."

"Do you think maybe she had someone go find the camp and set it on fire?"Meg asked wide eyed.

"And then when Dean is panicking with no where to go she calls him, and gives him an offer."

"But wouldn't Dean get suspicious?"Tiny was still skeptical.

"What do you mean?"

"Well wouldn't you be suspicious if your camp burned down. No one knows about it. And yet this strange russian lady from Colorado calls you offers you a place to stay, but only if you pay double?"

"But the phone lines were down at that time. She can't call him." Asmaa shook her head.

"Dean must've been looking for a place to stay then. And calling others." Nicole added.

"Guys if Agatha has someone to burn a whole camp, she could have someone to plant the idea in Dean's head."

Natalie smirked,"Oh yeah? How would she do that?"

"I don't know. Remember that gas station we stopped by a little after we left camp?"


"Dean was talking to this middle aged guy. What if he was secretly working for Agatha?"

"But how would he-"

"Maybe the guy came up to him and asked about the the 100 teenagers on busses. And casually mentioned this hotel and how it would take in schools and stuff like that."

"Don't you think it's a bit of a stretch?" Tiny tilted her head.

"It's not an exact guess but something like that must've happened. Why else would Dean take us all the way to Colorado?"

Tiny still seemed unsure.

"Agatha doesnt like us, yet she's keeping us in for the money. She's getting money because we have no place to stay. Because our camp got burnt down. She has to be a part of it somehow. Otherwise why would Dean choose this hotel out of all the other places."

"It's not like theres many places that would welcome a hundred kids in a monuments notice."

"Uh isn't that what hotels are for?"

"Yeah but out of all the hotels, why did Dean choose one, hundreds of miles away from camp?"

"He doesn't want them finding us again."

"Well yeah but going THIS far?"

"It's Agatha she's somehow behind this. It only makes sense."

"So it's Agatha..."

"Now what?"

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