Chapter 27

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It was dark out as I blinked my eyes open. Quinn was spooning me with her arm around my waist.

It was dark outside... shit, it was dark outside!

"Quinn, wake up!"

"Huh?" A groggy Quinn yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"We slept through the whole day! What time is it?"

"Eight, fifty... four." a half asleep Quinn squinted at her phone.

"Dinner started ten minutes ago! C'mon!" I tugged at her.

We rushed out of the woods towards camp, hopefully they didn't call the police, or think we ran away. That would be very bad. Very,very bad. Two run away campers in the same month, this camp would get shut down for sure.

Despite my worries, when we got to camp everything was normal. Nobody seemed to notice we were gone. Which kinda hurt, but on the bright side, the camp isn't in more trouble that it's already in.

"DEVIN! WHERE. THE. FUCK. WERE. YOU?" Riley screeched angrily, marching towards me.

On the contrary, I am in trouble.

"We LOST! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? WE lost THE VOLLEYBALL GAME!" Riley ranted loudly making other tables turn their heads to look at us.

Not caring Riley continued, "And guess to who? THE FREAKING PUMAS! Those... those cute... but bratty jerks that lured us into a cave and scared us!"

"Did she call us cute? She knows most of us are gay right?" I heard a guy from the Puma table comment. It was Xander, I think.


"Yes, the fuck I am." Quinn protested.

"Not compared to food! Devin, if you had to choose between food and Quinn for the rest of your life which would you pick?"

"Um, food."


"I'm sorry, we fell asleep," I tried, fitting in between her rants.

"You know what? It's fine." Riley, seemingly out of nowhere, calmed down. "Sleep is good, sleep is very good. ESPECIALLY WHEN FOOD IS AT STAKE." Never mind ,she's not calm. "Devin, I NEEDED THAT FOOD! Poor little Eva needed that food," she gestured at Eva who made an unamused face, raising her eyebrow at Riley, "Look at her poor, hungry, cute, little face." She pinched Eva's cheek.

"Devin. You've created a monster, we'll never hear the end of this." Tiffany disapprovingly shook her head at me.

"Um... uh Riley?" A soft voice spoke out. I turned around to the transgender boy, , from the Puma cabin.

We all looked at him expectantly. "Um, well," he blushed, now that all our eyes were on him.

"You can take all my seconds, Riley." He blushed at saying her name. "Just tell me and I'll get the seconds for you." He offered a smile at Riley.

Riley's face was as red as her hair, and her smile was huge. "Really?"

He nodded, blushing even more. This is too cute.

"Aw, thank you, that's so sweet." Riley got off her chair and approached Isreal. "Thank you!" She hugged him tightly.

A bunch of awes erupted throughout the camp, making them both blush even harder.

"Isreal saved us all!" Eva jeered.

"Shut up, Eva," Riley blushed, remembering how ridiculous she was acting previously.

"I'm gonna go sit at my table, see you later, babe." Quinn kissed my forehead.

"Awww. You two are so cute! When's the wedding?" Tiffany teased.

Tiny shifted uncomfortably next to her.

The only empty seat left was the one next to Tiny. I mentally sighed, hopefully Quinn won't mind.

She turned to me shyly smiling, "We missed you today."

"Thanks, how badly did we lose?"

"10 to 25, Brittney took your place."

"Oh, so that's why we lost," I smirked, glancing at Brittney.

"She wasn't bad, we just preferred you. I prefer you," she softened her voice, resting her hand on mine.

I uncomfortably took mine away, "Tiny, I love you and... you're great. And I know we haven't talked about what happened that night... It was an impulse, it didn't mean anything. I just see you as a friend. And that's all we're ever going to be. I'm not attracted to you, I mean... I... You and I, isn't going to happen. I'm sorry. I'm with Quinn, and I... love her..."

"Oh... uh...OK..." She stared down at her hands frowning.

The fire's light reflected of her, giving her skin a golden complexion. Her flawless short, pink hair sat right on her shoulders drawing attention to her face. Her lips. Her eyes...She was beautiful.

I didn't really mean what I said. That kiss meant something to both of us. I didn't just see her as a friend. We could be more. I am attracted to her. And I don't love Quinn... I don't think I do. I'm attracted to her but... Love? I don't know.

I'm just so confused right now.

"Tiny..." She was still staring at her hands, but her eyes were watering.

"Tiny... " I began again.

"Excuse me." She stood up. "I'm going to the cabin. I'm won't run away this time, I promise. I won't ruin anything. I've already done enough, haven't I?"

"Tiny, I'm sorry, I didn't m-"

"Just leave me alone!" She rose her voice, making heads turn, "I just... I just need to be alone right now," She whispered.

Her voice was small, it's the kind of voice you use when you're about to cry, the voice you use when you're trying to hold it together on the outside. But on the inside your heart is breaking.

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