Chapter 11

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"WAKE UP!!!!" Tiffany and Eva jumped on me.

"NOOOO," I groaned, turning on my other side to check my phone.

"YESSSS!" They hissed in unison.

It was 4:15, I personally believe nobody should be awake this early. There should be a law against that or something.

"We have two hours until the bus leaves, let me sleep." I pushed them off me.

"But we need to get you ready, you need to look extra fine today." Tiffany jumped off the bed and rummaged through my clothes.

I sat up still groggy and grumpy. All the girls were up and out of there beds, except Tiny. She was laying on her bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Oooooh, look at this!" Tiffany pulled out a black crop top, a short maroon circle skirt and some heels. All the girls oohed and awed at the outfit.

"Um, no, it's really cute but I'm going to be walking all day and those heels are going to kill me. Also it is way too hot to be wearing a leather jacket. What about something more... casual?"

All the girls dramatically rummaged through their bags, throwing clothing over their heads, they were honestly over thinking this.

"OOOOH, what about those one?" Eva held up a grey tank top that said OKAY, BUT FIRST COFFEE. ​​​​​​"Ya know? Since her last name is Grey and the shirt is Grey. And since you're going to Starbucks. IT'S PERFECT!

"I think it's really cute but it's... not my style."

Mia pulled out a pink tank top, and some white jeans ripped at the knees.

"Mia! That outfit looks perfect!" I exclaimed, jumping off my bed. Mia isn't the most confident person here, so I try and compliment her as much as possible. She shyly smiled and handed me the clothing.

"I think you should wear it with your white converse and maybe tie a knot on the shirt." I did as Mia said and the outfit looked really, really good.

I decided to leave my hair down, but grabbed an extra hair tie incase I changed my mind. All the girls were getting ready except Tiny, who was still staring up at the ceiling.

"You coming? "I sat on her bed, taking her attention from the ceiling.

"No, I just don't feel like going." She turned on her left side to face the wall away from me.


The bus ride took 2 hours so I was able to catch up on some sleep. I woke up to the bus haulting.

"Hey, Devin!" Quinn waved her hand from the front of the bus making her way to me.

"So, does 2 o'clock sound good?" She asked once she got to me.

"Yeah, it sounds good. I'll meet our at Starbucks at 2." I managed to smile, still groggy.

"Okay, great! Oh, and um Devin you got a little something right here," she said pointing at the tip of her lips. Then, she turned on her heels and ran to her friends.

I turned to Tiffany, "What do I have? "

Tiffany snorted, "Oh, nothing, just some dried drool."

"EW!" I intensely tried scrubbing off the drool, mainly embarrassed Quinn was the one who pointed it out to me.

As we got off the bus, a leader handed each of us $25 and told us to be back by 3:30.


"CHIPOTLE!!!" Eve screamed running towards the building like a crazy person.

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