Chapter 55

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She lead us out to the hallway. There was no trace of Asmaa or Eva anywhere. The only people in the hallway were this man and woman. The man was standing right outside our door as we walked out. Page nodded at him, and he followed our group. He was about 5 foot nine, brown eyes black hair, maybe early twenties. He was a little chubby around the midsection, and had a huge nose that didn't really fit his face. I've seen him carry bags around for the custumers, so he must work here, probably as a cover since he seems to work with Page. His name tag read "Joe."

Beside us the only other person in the hallway was a maid entering a room about 12 doors down.
I could call out for help,she could contact the authorities. But I don't know if I can trust her, probably can, but I don't want to take my chances. Plus, I'm scared Page will act on her threat and hurt Asmaa or Eva.
I also thought about making a run for it. The emergency exit was 15 feet away, but she could probably shoot me. Or Joe could catch me, after all he was directly behind me.
Again I scratched that idea, I'm scared for Asmaa and Eva's safety.
Page lead us to the first floor, through the lobby and out the front door; no one would suspect she was kidnapping us. Ot was too casual.
Dean and Agatha were nowhere in sight, they would know that she is dangerous. They would of saved us, but they weren't at the lobby when we needed them.
Joe stayed behind at the lobby, so now it was just Page and us. She lead us to a isolated area of the parking lot where there was ,stereotypically, a white van.
Opening ttheback door she motioned for us all to get in. Hitting each of us in the back of the head as she counted us off when we got on.
"Five, six, seven...EIGHT." she finally said hittinng me in the back of the head with the hand she was holding the gun. Slamming the doors shut we were left in the dark.
There were no windows, and the driver and passender seats were blocked off.
"Eight?"I heard Tiny whisper after a long silence.
Nobody said anything.
"There's a total of eleven of us, if two of us are missing then there should be nine of us."
"Roll call!" Tiffany loudly whispered.
"Who's missing?" Riley whispered.
"Megan gasped, Mia!"
Riley was looking for eight of us, she's our counselor. She knows theres 11 of us, and it's easy math to subtract Asmaa and Eva...but she deliberately was looking for eight. Is Mia working with them?

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