The Boathouse (Mature)

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This is a romantic type of smut but smut nonetheless... just a warning.


Lance opened the wooden door, pressing his hand up against the screen window. There was a lantern on the table and Keith was sitting on the floor dealing cards. He looked up. Lance sat down across from him, moving the lantern from the table to the floor.

"Strip poker?" Lance asked.

"Go Fish." Keith responded.

"Bummer." Lance said. "Do you like my glow stick bracelet? I brought you one."

"It's pretty tight. Got any 5's?" Keith asked.

"Go fish."

"Do you have any Jacks?"

"Go fish."

Lance put down his cards. "Are you purposely torturing me?"

Keith shrugged. "I figure if we started by fucking you wouldn't have time to think it though and give me consent for what you really wanted."

"You, dumbass. I want you."

Keith bit his lip. "I want you too. So..."

"Will you please just kiss me?" Lance begged.

"Is that consent?"

"Yes!" Lance shouted.

Keith threw his cards down as Lance crawled over, pushing Keith against the wooden wall of the boathouse. He held himself up with one arm and used his left hand to touch Keith's face as he melted in to the kiss. Their silhouette from the lantern shadowed against the wall and window. The air was warm, the air was salty, Keith was sweet.

The lantern light was dim, shadows moved across the boathouse as Lance leaned back on his heels, stripping off his shirt. Keith was trying to undo the buttons on his camp polo before Lance took over and Keith pulled off his shirt. Lance moved back into a kiss, now both shirtless.

Lance undid the buckle on his belt and shucked off his shorts, sitting in his boxers. Keith stripped down too. Keith shoved Lance lightly, moving him to lay back on the wooden floors. Above him in the rafters, a kayak was stored. They were surrounded with life jackets and oars mounted on the wall. Keith hovered over Lance, pulling him into a kiss. 

"Top or bottom?"

Lance shrugged. "I don't care."

"That's not helpful."


Lance pulled off his boxers and Keith did the same. It was painful at first but Lance acclimated.

We're seriously having sex in a boathouse. He thought. He was amused that the best they could come up with was a fucking boathouse... a fucking boathouse.

It went from not hurting to hurting a little more- it felt good, yes, but it was still a little painful. Lance grunted.

"Too fast?" Keith asked. He was trying to go slow but apparently he needed to try a little harder. Finally, Lance was comfortable again and they found a rhythm. Keith finished in Lance right after Lance orgasmed.

"Jesus fucking Christ." Lance muttered, grabbing his boxers. "That's gonna hurt in the morning- felt good- but that's gonna hurt."

Keith shrugged. "I did ask you top or bottom."

"I'm top next time."

Keith shook the hair out of his eyes. "Sounds good." They put their boxers back on and sat, leaning against the wooden planks the boathouse was made of. Lance was still panting.

"I was holding my breath for some reason."

"Yeah, same." Keith exhaled.

"Same time next week?" Lance asked, pushing himself up.

"Yes." Keith said, taking his hand and standing up. They pulled their shirts on and re-buckled their shorts.

"Let's walk back to the Shape cabins. It's nice that I'm so close to you."

"It's torture." Lance sighed.


"So close, yet so far."

"At least I can kiss you tonight." Keith said, planting a kiss on Lance's cheek.

"Sleep tight, don't let the mosquitos bite."


"I love you."


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