t w e n t y - f o u r

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I finished adjusting Michael's bow tie before standing up.

"There, what do you think?"

"I look good" He smiled.

"That's because you look like me, come on let's go show Mom" I chuckled.

"Mommy!" Michael called out as he ran out of the room.

"Yes dear?" Rosetta asked as she put on her earrings.

"I look like dad" He replied.

"Wow! You guys clean up pretty good" She turned around to look at us smiling.

My breath hitches as I took in her appearance. She looked absolutely breathtaking in the bridesmaid dress my aunt picked out. It felt like I forgot how to breath before I managed to compose myself quickly and unnoticed before replying.

"You do to, you look gorgeous" I replied.

"Thank you" She chuckled as I winked.

"I'm gonna go see if Grayson is ready" I replied before disappearing down the hall.

"Yo! Gray! Are you ready?" I called out knocking on his door.

"Yeah!" Grayson replied opening to door before going back in front of his mirror to adjust his shirt and his cuff links.

"You clean up good my dude"

"Same to you bro"

"Mom says that my aunt said if we're on our best behavior we can stay at her beach house for the weekend while she's off on her honeymoon" Grayson replied.

"Sweet! Their beach house is huge!"

"I know right!

"Can we bring guests?" I asked.

"I mean, I don't see why not. As long as there's no funny business it's fine with me" Grayson replies adjusting his bow tie.

"Alright, well I'll go get Rose and we'll get the car ready" I replied heading back down the hall to Rosetta's room.

The door was closed again and I knocked twice before going in.

"Rose the car-" I stopped as I looked around her room.

"Rose?" I called out.

I went into her bathroom but she wasn't in there.

"Rose?" I called out heading downstairs.

I looked around the living room, the den, the kitchen, the garage, even the backyard and she was nowhere to be seen.

"Gray? Have you seen Rose?" I called out.

"No! Why?" He asked.

"I can't find her" I replied.

Grayson adjusted his sleeves once more as he came downstairs, confusion spread across his face.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"She's gone, I don't know where she is" I shrugged.

"Call her, maybe she went to the store or left to the venue already or something" Grayson spoke.

I pulled my phone out from my pocket to call her but before I could dial her number a text message popped up on my screen.

Rose ☺️
Went to the store real quick
meet u @ the venue

"She went to the store. She said she'll meet us at the venue" I called out as Grayson rounded the corner drinking from a water bottle.

"Oh good, alright I guess we'll just meet her there" Grayson spoke grabbing the car keys.

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