e i g h t e e n

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I carefully took the last step upstairs and walked down the hall and into my bedroom. I was finally released from the hospital and it felt good to be out of there. It was starting to feel all stuffy and very uncomfortable in there.

I sat down carefully on my bed and took my sweater off as Ethan pulled my shoes off from my feet.

"Ethan, you don't have to do that. I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself" I swatted him away.

"Nope, doctor said to take it easy for the rest of the week and I'm gonna help you with anything you need" He smiled tossing my sneakers into my closet.

"Well thank you, I appreciate it" I nodded before slipping into my blankets.

"Here's your tea and some honey toast. Is there anything else you need?" Noemi asked setting my breakfast down onto my lap on a tray.

"No, this is good. Thank you, both of you" I smiled.

"Anytime, if you need anything just let me know" Noemi smiled before heading downstairs where Michael was watching cartoons.

"Do you want to watch tv?" Ethan asked turning the television on.

"Yeah. Hey, E?"

"Yeah?" He asked turning around to look at me.

"Don't you have to go to work?" I asked.

"No, I need to stay home and help you" He replied.

"But I don't want you to get fired"

"I won't, I told my boss about what happened and he gave me a couple days off to help you unlike Grayson's boss who didn't even let him have one day off"

"Poor gray"

"Yeah, not really" Ethan chuckled.

"Be nice to him, he puts up with you" I smiled.

"Yeah, I guess" He smiled taking a seat next to me.

I finished my breakfast and the two of us watched Grey's Anatomy. Ethan kept asking a bunch of questions and I had to explain a lot of what was going on so he could understand.

"So McDreamy was married, his wife cheated on him with his best friend, then he met Meredith and didn't even tell her he was still legally married until his wife showed up out of nowhere looking for him?" He asked.

"Pretty much, yeah" I nodded.

"What a douche" He shook his head.

"Yeah but we like Mcdreamy, he's not so bad. He ends up picking Meredith after she puts herself out there and they get married and they adopt a beautiful baby girl" I sighed.

"Why do they adopt?" He asked.

"She couldn't have a baby" I explained.

"Poor Meredith, she deserves her own baby" Ethan sighed engrossed in the television.

I looked at him and smiled. His hair was sticking out in a few random places and his wings on the side of his face were slightly curled. He had a slight smirk on his face as he watched the tv making his smile lines visible. He had a slight scruff on his face with his signature smile as his bright hazel eyes were focused on the television.

I stopped myself from staring and turned back to the television. Why was I staring at him hardcore? Why was this strange feeling circling around in my stomach? I shook my head and sighed. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Michael walk past with Noemi.

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