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Ever since the night I told Ethan about my past he's been so different. He helps me with Michael a lot and is always making sure I'm okay. We've been working together like a real family helping each other out. It felt great knowing I could count on him and vice versa.

I sat on the kitchen table typing away on my laptop. I put the finishing touches on my essay before emailing it to my professor. To be honest, doing college online is harder than going to classes in person but it's worth it. I always struggled with some anxiety issues so when I enrolled, Nate helped me get all my classes online. It helps even more now that Michael is in our care. I can be here at home and tend to Michael and finish getting my education at the same time.

I sighed in content as I shut down my laptop. I rummaged around the kitchen trying to decide what we should eat for lunch.

"Michael are you hungry?" I asked.

"Yes!" He called out from the living room. He was getting really good at his English.

"What do you want for lunch?" I asked.

I heard his usual steps meaning he was running from the living room to the kitchen.

"Michael don't run or you'll get hurt!" I called out.

But it was too late, his running abruptly stopped before I heard a loud thump followed by a loud cry.

"Michael?" I called for him as I walked into the living room. My hear nearly stopped when I saw him.

"Michael!" I ran towards his limp body.

His laid on the floor grabbing his now bleeding head. He fell and hit his head on the corner of the coffee table. I grabbed an old rag and placed it on his head. I was worried with the amount of blood he was losing and started panicking as I tried calming him down.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Grayson's number but received no response. I called his work but the receptionist said he was in a meeting.

"When he's done will you tell him to give Rose a call? It's important" I replied.

"Okay I'll let him know"

"Thank you" I responded before hanging up.

I had no choice but to call Ethan, I dialed his work and was transferred to his office phone. It rung a couple times before I was finally able to get ahold of him.

"Ethan! Thank goodness!"

"Rose? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I have no time to explain but Michael's hurt. Please meet me at the hospital!"

"Okay I'm on my way don't worry!" He replied.

I hung up before quickly texting him the address to the hospital. I picked up Michael and grabbed the car keys and my purse. It was dangerous driving with him on my lap but I had no choice. I didn't want to risk him losing more blood. I parked the car and I rushed inside with Michael crying.

The receptionist put on his wristband and the nurse took us back to a room and started taking his vitals. The doctor came and took a look at Michael's head.

"He's going to need some stitches. He'll be fine but we're going to have to give him some medicine to make him sleepy so he'll hold still." The doctor explained.

"Okay that's fine" I replied.

"Registration, are you his mom?" A lady asked as she barged into the room.

"Yes" I nodded.

"Okay, we just need you to sign a few forms stating you consent for us to treat your child" The lady spoke handing me a clipboard with a paper and a pen.

Guardians - Ethan Dolan a.uWhere stories live. Discover now