f i f t e e n

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I stood at the crosswalk, watching as the big truck didn't stop at the red light. It sped through the intersection and smashed into another car crossing the intersection. I looked up in horror at Nate.

"Don't worry, they'll be okay. The right people will be here any minute to help" He smiled keeping my attention away from the scene.

I nodded and he smiled before his eyes went wide and his body collided with a black car as it ran over him. The car sped off not even bothering to check if anyone was hurt. I screamed for help as I tried to reach for Nate I felt myself being pulled away from him.

"No! No let me go! I need him! No!" I screamed.

Nate was getting farther and farther from me. I screamed begging for him to be okay when I heard my name. I looked around in search of the voice but I couldn't see anyone.

"Rose? Rose!"


I jolted awake and sat up on my bed. Beads of sweat lined my forehead making my hair stick to my face. I panted as I took in my surroundings, it was all just a dream. Only it wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare. I looked up to see Ethan standing right by my bed with a worried look etched onto his face.

"Rose, are you okay? You were screaming" He asked.

"I'm fine, it was just a nightmare" I sighed resting my arms on my knees and wiping my face.

"Was it about your brother?" He asked taking a seat on my bed.

"No, well, yes it was. I just really miss him" I whispered

"I miss cam too. Sometimes I feel like she's still around." He sighed.

"Are you still not sleeping well?" I asked.

"I am, it's just, lately I've been feeling a little upset." He spoke.

"It's the grief. It takes a different toll on everyone in different ways" I sighed.

"I remember when my mom first told me, I was an absolute jerk. I yelled at her, called her a liar and I disappeared from the house for a couple hours. The next day I felt so angry, angry that they were taken away so early. Angry because it was the other driver's fault. Angry because they didn't deserve that. Angry because she was my sister and I loved her so much" Ethan explained.

"But I think I'm finally coming to terms with her being gone. She's in a better place now, watching over me and gray" Ethan smiled sadly.

"When I received news of the accident, I had a panic attack. It felt like the life was being sucked out of me. I didn't leave the house for a couple of days and when I finally did it was because of your mom. She didn't want to leave me alone in my apartment. It didn't hit me until we went to identify the bodies and I felt so empty" I explained.

"That's why you stayed with us those few days," Ethan said.

"Yeah, I wasn't living with my parents and I certainly wasn't about to start especially with our situation," I said.

"But, I've also learned to come to terms with it. Not just the accident, but with everything life has thrown at us so far. Yes, the grieving has been hard, for all of us, but I don't think I'd change anything about my life right now." I played with the hem of my pajama shorts as I talked.

"Really?" Ethan asked.

"Really. I know it's hard, they were our older siblings and we relied on them so much but I think they would've wanted us to let go, love them, and take it one day at a time. You see, grief, I've learned, is really just love. It's all the love you want to give but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hallowed part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go. And to a certain point, it overflows out of us and we have to pour it out." I explained.

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