Chapter 6/ "im crazy!"

Start from the beginning

"He's fine." Wrath assures her before pushing past her. This time Emma blocks her path.

"Take us to him."

"Ah well you see I'd love to," She pauses and walks around Emma, heading to the campfire she picks up a uneaten fish and munches on a piece. "But you see peter will know if your anywhere near his camp and will kill you. Plus I haven't yet had the pleasure of tearing him apart mentally yet." She smirks.

"You can't stoop to his level! He May be evil but that doesn't mean we should be too." Snow finally speaks up.

"In case you've forgotten I'm much worse than he is." Wrath sends her a bone chilling smile causing snow to take a step back.

"Can you at least send Henry a message?" Regina sighs out.

"Ya I don't think Henry would like to see me at the moment so no." Wrath continues snacking on her fish.

"And why's that?" Emma cautiously asks.

"I may or may not have chopped someone's head off in front of him." She stops eating her fish once realizing she just pulled a queen of hearts move. Her face scrunches up in disgust.

"You did what?" Regina yells approaching her with a fire ball.

"Oh Relax he was bound to see it some day." Wrath rolls her eyes.

"You little-" Emma grabs reginas hand as she's about to launch the fire ball at the girl.

"Nows not the time for that." She let's go of her arm and turns to wrath who's now using her sleeve to wipe her mouth. "Can you at least try?"

"Fine! What do you want me to say?"

"Just give him this." Regina uses her magic to make a small mirror. Wrath glances down at it.

"A mirror?" She raises an eyebrow.

"It's magic." Regina hands the girl the mirror, grabbing it she blames it in her pocket.

"Well than if you excuse me." She walks past them and into the jungle.

No one except Emma noticed how different she was being. More cold and distant than her usual self. Brushing this off she turns back to her mom and Regina.

Ivy's POV

After talking with the hero's I managed to calm myself down. I was both physically and mentally exhausted from wrath but I need to talk to Henry before I take a nap. Trudging into camp the lost boys immediately steer clear from me.

I give a small glance to the spot wrath murdered Dustin, his body was gone but the blood still stained the forest floor.

Breaking away I walk into Henry's tent to find him sitting on the bed looking worried. Right when he sees me he pops up and hugs me.

"What's this for?" I ask confused. I figured he wouldn't even look at me after today.

"I was worried when you ran off. Where did you go?" He pulls away from the big.

"Your not scared or angry at me?" I bend down to his height.

"No I remember when the curse broke and wrath took control, I know it wasn't you who killed him. She was in control the whole time right?"

I pull him into another hug. "Ya." I fib before remembering what I came here for. "Oh I came here to give you something but I can't do it here." Getting up I gesture for him to follow me.

I lead him to a fallen tree limb a ways from the boys. He sits down and I hand him the mirror.

"I'll go make sure Pan stays away." As I walk away I can hear both Emma and Regina asking a thousand questions.

Glancing around the boys I notice both Theo and hunter sitting awfully close to one another. Theo has an arm draped around hunters shoulders while hunter leans into theos side. Looking closer I notice hickeys trailing down hunters neck.

A smirk makes its way to my face but it's gone when I hear Henry shatter the mirror. Whipping around he walks right past me as Peter enters camp. Deciding to ignore it I walk straight to Theo and hunter.

I take a seat beside hunter and playfully nudge him with my elbow.

"Looks like you guys had a fun night." I smirk and gesture to my neck. "Might want to hide those if you don't want people to know."

Immediately hunters eyes widen as his face turns bright red. Theo laughs and pulls him closer.

Looking back up I find peter angrily throwing knifes into a tree. Glancing down at his hands there covered in what I assume is blood.

Ok what the fuck happened to him?

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