first day

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"Oh here sweets, I forgot to give you this at the park." Hoseok said reaching back to get the back and elephant plushie. They were currently in the McDonald's parking lot. Yoongi dropped his nugget back in the box and excitedly grabbed the items from the older. Yoongi let out a cute squeal while bugging the elephant. He set the elephant on the floor between his legs and began opening the gift bag, pulling out crayons, colored pencils, coloring books, candy, stickers and A lot of other things Hoseok knew the younger would enjoy. "You like it?" the older asked.

"Yes!! I love it!!" Yoongi smiled his adorable gummy smile. Hoseok smiled back lovingly and brought his attention back to his food. Just as he took a bite he felt the younger put something on his cheek. "You look cool now." the younger giggled.

"But I thought I always did." Hoseok said looking at his cheek that had a rainbow sticker on it.

"No, you have to be like me to be cool..see." he turned his face to show the stickers that littered his face.

"Oh you look so cool." Hoseok encouraged. "But I need more stickers to look as cool as you."

"Okay!" Yoongi grabbed his sticker book, Hoseok leaned forward, he watched the smaller boy concentrate while putting each sticker on his face.  They didn't notice their faces were only a few inches apart. So Hoseok took his chance a have Yoongi a long peck, before leaning back and fastening his seatbelt. But he didn't miss the blush that painted the smaller's cheeks.

"Let's head to my apartment now, I bet your stuff is there by now." he said as he started the car and drive out of the parking lot, while Yoongi munched on his food. After a few minutes of comfortable silence Hoseok spoke. "Baby, we need to go get some groceries, you can pick out what you want." he said as he switched lanes to get to the exit. Finally they made it to the store, they got out, Hoseok quickly grabbed Yoongi's hand. They were welcomed with a blast of cold air at the door. They walked through the aisles, Hoseok pushing the cart and Yoongi latcyed on to his arm. Occasionally grabbing items they wanted or needed.  Once they were done they headed to the register.

" what a nice big brother, to let you do that huh." the cashier said to yoongi, sending a wink to hoseok.

"No, that's my boyfriend and of course I'm nice to my boyfriend." Hoseok answered totally uninterested, but he had to correct her. He didn't want her to assume she had a shot.

"O-oh." she sounded uncomfortable, I mean who wouldn't, she just tried to hit on someone in front of their boyfriend. She hurriedly gave them the amount due, they paid and were on there way home.

"What do you want to do when we get home love? We can do anything you" Hoseok said leaning over the console and pecking the other's pillow soft lips.

"A-anything?" Yoongi has blush on his cheeks.


It's so complicated
Cause in one of  my other stories the character is also pregnant
So I get the months mixed up lol

This was sort of a filler

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