Beer and pizza

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Not proofread

It is now 12:00am the trio are well into their hangout. Beer cans and bottles are laying on the ground soju bottles mixed in too. Disgarded pizza boxes. Jungkook was laying under the coffee table like a starfish. Cause I qoute "hoseok won't give him a blanket." but the thing is hoseok couldn't because his legs wouldn't work. How he thinks a coffee table will save him from the cold air that was non existent we don't know. Namjoon is currently torturing hoseok with his idea of the meaning of life.

"If you think of it we aren't really alive. When we die we'll wake up finally. Feeling happy and content."

"namjoon dude, sh*hiccup*ut up. Help me go let down I wanna see my babies."

"You have kids in your room? Did you kidnap them!"

"No you dumb bitch, just take me to my bed I wanna see my yoongi." hoseok said slowly losing consciousness.

"The fuck is a yoongi." namjoon mumbled to himself but hoseok still heard it.

"An *hiccup* angel." then he started snoring.

"Haha no handles." namjoon chuckled to himself smugly. He tried to stand up but fell on the carpet. He just laid there on his stomach. "Spoke too soon. At least I'm not...passed*yawn*out." he too started snoring.

"Joonie..namjoon..YAH!" he felt someone kick him on his precious ass cheek. Looking up he seen a tall blurry figure standing over him.

"Hey cutie*hicc* you're almost as handsome as my*hicc* boyfriend."

"Well you're lucky I am your boyfriend, or I'd beat your ass if I find out you said that to someone else!" that made namjoon's eyes go wide as he scrambled into a sitting position.


"J-jin." jin mocked back. "I've been waiting for you to go to sleep. While you played games with your little friends." he said crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry babe. I guess we got a little carried away." joon scratched his nape sheepishly, they both looked around at the mess.

"I feel bad for whoever's carpet this is." he said looking at the pizza dripping with sauce(me your saucemastuh ok sorry) in jungkook's hand sticking out from under the table. "I wanted to talk to you about something important but you aren't in the right state of mind I'm guessing so it'll have to wait." he shook his head a little.

"Baby, talk to me." namjoon was standing up now embracing the other. "I didn't drink much."

"You guys shouldn't even be drinking you're only 18, I don't know about your friends."

"He's 18." points to Hoseok. "And he's still in preschool I think, just kidding he's 16." points to the table I mean Jungkook.

"You guys are a bad influence for the poor baby."

"He's the bad influence he brought most of the beer, we don't even know how he got it. Anyways, what did you want to talk about." namjoon asked going into the kitchen to get some water.

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