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I felt someone shaking my shoulder lightly. Instinctively I move further into my comfy blankets. Opening my eyes when I heard a chuckle, that didn't sound like my mommy. I slowly peeked out from under my blanket, Oh It's the boy again.

"Hi sweets." he spoke leaning over me

"Hi." I said shyly.

"Were you enjoying your sleep bubs." he asked, petting my hair, so gently it felt nice. I nodded my head a little. "You can go back to sleep if you want." I shook my head pulling the blankets further down, revealing my black and white striped long-sleeve.

"You wanna lay down."

Uh, sure." he says with a shy smile. I scoot over towards the other side of the bed to make room for him. He chuckled watching me get trapped between the messy comforter. Finally hobi laid down, me being the snuggle lover I am I immediately make myself comfortable.

"Hobi." I speak shyly.

"Yes bubs." he answered looking up at my dimly lit ceiling.

"'c-can I borrow your arm?" I asked avoiding any kind of eye contact. He let out a low breathy chuckle.

"Sure sweets as long as you're not cutting it off." he jokes. Causing me to let out a little giggle as I grabbed his arm so I can rest my head on it and scoot my body closer.

"Hobi." I called again. Not too loud cause my mommy is sleeping. He hummed in response. "Wanna know something?" I asked excitedly.

"What is it bubs?" he questioned.

"My birthday is this month." I said doing a little happy dance accidentally wiggling against him since my back was facing him. He groaned and I stopped immediately. "I'm sorry did I hurt you." I asked hastily turning around to look at him.

"N-no I'm fine I just got excited too." he said, making me show my gummy smile, thinking he was talking about my birthday too. "When is it sweets?" he asked running his hands through my hair.

"The 9th."

"Well I guess we'll have to celebrate it then."


I woke up alone, of course. Getting up and getting ready for school.

I was currently walking in the school hall with Tae and Jinnie when I overheard some students conversation.

"Yo, guess who got laid last night by that fine ass cheerleader." one boy said. His friend answered with a 'no way'. "Oh fucking yes way, best sex I ever had." he replied. Then they bro'd out with handshakes high-fives and chest bumps. But I got curious so who better to ask then my hyungies.

"TaeTae what is sex? I hear a lot of people talk about it, they said it's fun."

"Only natural to be curious, sex is wh-" he was cut off by a slap on the back of the head.

"What do you think you're doing trying to teach my poor innocent Yoongi about such things." he then turned to me and said "you don't need to worry your adorable little self with that." I pout knowing I wasn't going to get the answers I wanted. Pouting only got me cooed at so it didn't really do much for me. I guess I'll asking someone else.

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